[Ovirt-devel] Build fails due to missing ovirt-node-recipe.ks

Justin Clacherty justin at redfish.com.au
Wed Aug 18 15:14:39 UTC 2010

  On 19/08/2010 12:57 AM, Nicolas Ochem wrote:
> Probably there's something missing still, but you'll only notice the 
> difference if you have several networks.
> In the same line in pxelinux.cfg/default, you should also add
> kssendmac
> ksdevice=bootif
> and you should add an extra line immediately below with
> ipappend 2
> If you don't do that, ovirt-early does not download the augeas 
> interface configuration at startup and all network connections are 
> bridged to eth0 = default behaviour.
> You can check if it works by checking /var/log/ovirt.log. There should 
> be the output of a wget command there.

I did notice some oddities with the network.  If I tried to bring up a 
VM on another node where the nic to network order was swapped it didn't 
seem to like it.  ie. node1 - eth0 guest, eth1 admin and node2 - eth0 
admin, eth1 guest.

Also, nodes don't always appear.  Start up one node and it all works, 
shut it down, start it up with the cables swapped over everything 
appears to work but nothing appears in the UI.

Is there a way to remove nodes?  I have one node that's in there twice 
because I was playing around with which NIC would be plugged in to which 
network.  For the moment I've just created another group and moved any 
defunct nodes to there.


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