[Ovirt-devel] [PATCH node] Update autobuild and autotest scripts for new build structure

Mike Burns mburns at redhat.com
Fri Mar 26 22:25:26 UTC 2010

Autobuild has to be updated to call make in the recipe directory
and move the resulting iso to the main build directory.

Importing the existing autotest.sh script from ovirt-node-image

Signed-off-by: Mike Burns <mburns at redhat.com>
 autobuild.sh |    7 +
 autotest.sh  |  764 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 771 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/autobuild.sh b/autobuild.sh
index 0ac1e58..8517164 100755
--- a/autobuild.sh
+++ b/autobuild.sh
@@ -41,3 +41,10 @@ if [ -f /usr/bin/rpmbuild ]; then
   rpmbuild --nodeps --define "extra_release $EXTRA_RELEASE" -ta --clean *.tar.gz
+#make iso
+cd recipe
+#copy iso back to main directory for autotest.sh
+cp *iso ..
diff --git a/autotest.sh b/autotest.sh
index 05a7907..32a60d9 100755
--- a/autotest.sh
+++ b/autotest.sh
@@ -1,2 +1,766 @@
+# oVirt node autotest script
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat, Inc.
+# Written by Darryl L. Pierce <dpierce at redhat.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+# MA  02110-1301, USA.  A copy of the GNU General Public License is
+# also available at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.

+# To include autotesting on the build system, you need to insert the
+# following snippet *BEFORE* the text that reads "Output Stages":
+# ---8<[begin]---
+#  # Integration test
+#  {
+#    name = integration
+#    label = Test group
+#    module = Test::AutoBuild::Stage::Test
+#    # Don't abort entire cycle if the module test fails
+#    critical = 0
+#  }
+# ---8<[end]---
+# This will, for each module whose autobuild.sh is run, to have a matching
+# autotest.sh to run as well.
+# To run these tests locally, you will need to open port 69 TCP and UDP and have
+# an ISO file.
+ME=$(basename "$0")
+WORKDIR=$(mktemp -d)
+warn() { printf '%s: %s\n' "$ME" "$*" >&2; }
+die() {  warn "$*"; exit 1; }
+debug() { if $debugging; then log "[DEBUG] %s" "$*"; fi }
+trap '__st=$?; cleanup_after_testing; exit $__st' 1 2 3 13 15
+trap 'cleanup_after_testing' 0
+# set -e
+# set -u
+log () {
+    date=$(date)
+    printf "${date} $*\n"
+usage () {
+    cat <<EOF
+Usage: $ME [-n test_name] [LOGFILE]
+  -i: set the ISO filename (defualt: ovirt-node-image.iso)
+  -n: the name of the specific autotest to run (default: run all autotests)
+  -d: enable more verbose output (default: disabled)
+  -t: change the timeout between markers (in ms, default: 120)
+  -v: enable tracing (default: disabled)
+  -w: launch virt-viewer for each VM (default: no window shown)
+  -h: display this help and exit
+# $1 - the test function to call
+execute_test () {
+    local testname=$1
+    if [ -z $testname ]; then die "Missing test name"; fi
+    log "Executing test: $testname"
+    eval $testname
+    rc=$?
+    log "Completed test: $testname [result=$rc]"
+    if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then
+        log "Build fails smoke tests."
+    fi
+    return $rc
+# setup a node for pxeboot
+# $1 - the working directory
+# $2 - kernel arguments; if present then they replace all default flags
+setup_pxeboot () {
+    local workdir=$1
+    local kernelargs=$2
+    local pxedefault=$workdir/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default
+    debug "setup for pxeboot: isofile=${isofile} workdir=${workdir} kernelargs='${kernelargs}' pxedefault=${pxedefault}"
+    (cd $workdir && sudo livecd-iso-to-pxeboot $isofile) > /dev/null 2>&1
+    sudo chmod -R 777 $workdir
+    # set default kernel arguments if none were provided
+    # the defaults boot in standalone mode
+    if [ -z "$kernelargs" ]; then
+        kernelargs="standalone"
+    fi
+    local definition="DEFAULT pxeboot"
+    definition="${definition}\nTIMEOUT 20"
+    definition="${definition}\nPROMPT 0"
+    definition="${definition}\nLABEL pxeboot"
+    definition="${definition}\n     KERNEL vmlinuz0"
+    definition="${definition}\n     IPAPPEND 2"
+    definition="${definition}\n     APPEND rootflags=loop initrd=initrd0.img root=/${isoname} rootfstype=auto console=tty0 check console=ttyS0,115200n8 $kernelargs"
+    debug "pxeboot definition=\n${definition}"
+    sudo bash -c "printf \"${definition}\" > $pxedefault"
+# Starts a simple instance of dnsmasq.
+# $1 - the iface on which dnsmasq works
+# $2 - the root for tftp files
+# $3 - the mac address for the node (ignored if blank)
+# $4 - the nodename
+start_dnsmasq () {
+    local iface=$1
+    local tftproot=$2
+    local macaddress=$3
+    local nodename=$4
+    local pidfile=$2/dnsmasq.pid
+    stop_dnsmasq
+    debug "Starting dnsmasq"
+    dns_startup="sudo /usr/sbin/dnsmasq --read-ethers
+                   --dhcp-range=${NETWORK}.100,${NETWORK}.254,,24h
+                   --conf-file=
+                   --interface=${iface}
+                   --bind-interfaces
+                   --except-interface=lo
+                   --dhcp-boot=tftpboot/pxelinux.0
+                   --enable-tftp
+                   --tftp-root=${tftproot}
+                   --log-facility=$WORKDIR/dnsmasq-${nodename}.log
+                   --log-queries
+                   --log-dhcp
+                   --pid-file=${pidfile}"
+    if [ -n "$macaddress" ]; then
+        dns_startup="${dns_startup} --dhcp-host=${macaddress},${NODE_ADDRESS}"
+    fi
+    # start dnsmasq
+    eval $dns_startup
+    debug "pidfile=$pidfile"
+    DNSMASQ_PID=$(sudo cat $pidfile)
+# Kills the running instance of dnsmasq.
+stop_dnsmasq () {
+    if [ -n "${DNSMASQ_PID-}" -a "${DNSMASQ_PID-}" != "0" ]; then
+        local check=$(ps -ef | awk "/${DNSMASQ_PID}/"' { if ($2 ~ '"${DNSMASQ_PID}"') print $2 }')
+        if [[ "${check}" == "${DNSMASQ_PID}" ]]; then
+            sudo kill -9 $DNSMASQ_PID
+            return
+        fi
+    fi
+    DNSMASQ_PID="0"
+# Creates a virt network.
+# $1 - the node name
+# $2 - the network interface name
+# $3 - use DHCP (any value)
+# $4 - start dnsmsq (def. false)
+start_networking () {
+    local nodename=$1
+    local ifacename=$2
+    local use_dhcp=${3-false}
+    local start_dnsmasq=${4-false}
+    local workdir=$5
+    local definition=""
+    local network=$NETWORK
+    local xmlfile=$WORKDIR/$nodename-$ifacename.xml
+    debug "start_networking ()"
+    for var in nodename ifacename use_dhcp start_dnsmasq workdir network xmlfile; do
+        eval debug "::$var: \$$var"
+    done
+    definition="<network>\n<name>${ifacename}</name>\n<forward mode='nat' />\n<bridge name='${ifacename}' stp='on' forwardDelay='0' />"
+    definition="${definition}\n<ip address='${network}.1' netmask=''>"
+    if $use_dhcp; then
+        definition="${definition}\n<dhcp>\n<range start='${network}.100' end='${network}.199' />\n</dhcp>"
+    fi
+    definition="${definition}\n</ip>\n</network>"
+    debug "Saving network definition file to: ${xmlfile}\n"
+    sudo printf "${definition}" > $xmlfile
+    sudo virsh net-define $xmlfile > /dev/null 2>&1
+    debug "Starting network."
+    sudo virsh net-start $ifacename > /dev/null 2>&1
+    if [ "${use_dhcp}" == "false" ]; then
+        if $start_dnsmasq; then
+            start_dnsmasq $ifacename $workdir "" $nodename
+        fi
+    fi
+# Destroys the test network interface
+# $1 - the network name
+# $2 - stop dnsmasq (def. false)
+stop_networking () {
+    local networkname=${1-}
+    local stop_dnsmasq=${2-true}
+    # if no network was supplied, then check for the global network
+    if [ -z "$networkname" ]; then
+        networkname=${NETWORK_NAME-}
+    fi
+    # exit if preserve was enabled
+    if $preserve_vm; then return; fi
+    if [ -n "${networkname}" ]; then
+        debug "Destroying network interface: ${networkname}"
+        check=$(sudo virsh net-list --all)
+        if [[ "${check}" =~ "${networkname}" ]]; then
+            if [[ "{$check}" =~ active ]]; then
+                sudo virsh net-destroy $networkname > /dev/null 2>&1
+            fi
+            sudo virsh net-undefine $networkname > /dev/null 2>&1
+        fi
+    fi
+    if $stop_dnsmasq; then
+        stop_dnsmasq
+    fi
+# creates a HD disk file
+# $1 - filename for disk file
+# $2 - size (##M or ##G)
+create_hard_disk () {
+    local filename=$1
+    local size=$2
+    debug "Creating hard disk: filename=${filename} size=${size}"
+    sudo qemu-img create -f raw $filename "${size}M" > /dev/null 2>&1
+    sudo chcon -t virt_image_t $filename > /dev/null 2>&1
+# Creates the XML for a virtual machine.
+# $1 - the file to write the xml
+# $2 - the node name
+# $3 - memory size (in kb)
+# $4 - boot device
+# $5 - the local hard disk (if blank then no disk is used)
+# $6 - the cdrom disk (if blank then no cdrom is used)
+# $7 - the network bridge (if blank then 'default' is used)
+# $8 - optional arguments
+define_node () {
+    local filename=$1
+    local nodename=$2
+    local memory=$3
+    local boot_device=$4
+    local harddrive=$5
+    local cddrive=$6
+    local bridge=${7-default}
+    local options=${8-}
+    local result=""
+    # flexible options
+    # define defaults, then allow the caller to override them as needed
+    local arch=$(uname -i)
+    local serial="true"
+    local vncport="-1"
+    local bootdev='hd'
+    # first destroy the node
+    destroy_node $nodename
+    if [ -n "$options" ]; then eval "$options"; fi
+    debug "define_node ()"
+    for var in filename nodename memory harddrive cddrive bridge options arch serial vncport bootdev; do
+eval debug "::$var: \$$var"
+    done
+    result="<domain type='kvm'>\n<name>${nodename}</name>\n<memory>${memory}</memory>\n <vcpu>1</vcpu>"
+    # begin the os section
+    # inject the boot device
+    result="${result}\n<os>\n<type arch='${arch}' machine='pc'>hvm</type>"
+    result="${result}\n<boot dev='${boot_device}' />"
+    result="${result}\n</os>"
+    # virtual machine features
+    result="${result}\n<features>"
+    result="${result}\n<acpi />"
+    if [ -z "${noapic-}" ]; then result="${result}\n<apic />"; fi
+    result="${result}\n<pae /></features>"
+    result="${result}\n<clock offset='utc' />"
+    result="${result}\n<on_poweroff>destroy</on_poweroff>"
+    result="${result}\n<on_reboot>restart</on_reboot>"
+    result="${result}\n<on_crash>restart</on_crash>"
+    # add devices
+    result="${result}\n<devices>"
+    # inject the hard disk if defined
+    if [ -n "$harddrive" ]; then
+        debug "Adding a hard drive to the node"
+        result="${result}\n<disk type='file' device='disk'>"
+        result="${result}\n<source file='$harddrive' />"
+        result="${result}\n<target dev='vda' bus='virtio' />"
+        result="${result}\n</disk>"
+    fi
+    # inject the cdrom drive if defined
+    if [ -n "$cddrive" ]; then
+        debug "Adding a CDROM drive to the node"
+        result="${result}\n<disk type='file' device='cdrom'>"
+        result="${result}\n<source file='${cddrive}' />"
+        result="${result}\n<target dev='hdc' bus='ide' />"
+        result="${result}\n</disk>"
+    fi
+    # inject the bridge network
+    result="${result}\n<interface type='network'>"
+    result="${result}\n<source network='${bridge}' />"
+    result="${result}\n</interface>"
+    # inject the serial port
+    if [ -n "$serial" ]; then
+        result="${result}\n<serial type='pty' />"
+    fi
+    # inject the vnc port
+    if [ -n "$vncport" ]; then
+        result="${result}\n<console type='pty' />"
+        result="${result}\n<graphics type='vnc' port='${vncport}' autoport='yes' keyman='en-us' />"
+    fi
+    # finish the device section
+    result="${result}\n</devices>"
+    result="${result}\n</domain>"
+    debug "Node definition: ${filename}"
+    sudo printf "$result" > $filename
+    # now define the vm
+    sudo virsh define $filename > /dev/null 2>&1
+    if [ $? != 0 ]; then die "Unable to define virtual machine: $nodename"; fi
+# $1 - the node name
+# $2 - the boot device (def. "hd")
+# $3 - the memory size in kb (def. 524288)
+# $4 - hard disk size (if blank then no hard disk)
+# $5 - the cd drive image file (if blank then no cd drive)
+# $6 - option arguments
+configure_node () {
+    local nodename=$1
+    local boot_device=$2
+    local memory=$3
+    local hdsize=$4
+    local hdfile=""
+    local cdfile=$5
+    local args=$6
+    local nodefile=$WORKDIR/$nodename.xml
+    if [ -z "${boot_device}" ]; then boot_device="hd"; fi
+    if [ -z "${memory}" ]; then memory="524288"; fi
+    debug "configure_node ()"
+    for var in nodename boot_device memory hdsize hdfile cdfile args nodefile; do
+        eval debug "::$var: \$$var"
+    done
+    # create the hard disk file
+    if [ -n "${hdsize}" ]; then
+        hdfile=$WORKDIR/$nodename-hd.img
+        create_hard_disk $hdfile $hdsize
+    fi
+    define_node $nodefile $nodename "${memory}" "${boot_device}" "${hdfile}" "${cdfile}" $IFACE_NAME "${args}"
+# $1 - the node name
+# $2 - undefine the node (def. true)
+destroy_node () {
+    local nodename=$1
+    local undefine=${2-true}
+    # if preserving nodes then exit
+    if $preserve_vm; then return; fi
+    if [ -n "${nodename}" ]; then
+        check=$(sudo virsh list --all)
+        if [[ "${check}" =~ "${nodename}" ]]; then
+            if [[ "${check}" =~ running ]]; then
+                sudo virsh destroy $nodename > /dev/null 2>&1
+            fi
+            if $undefine; then
+                sudo virsh undefine $nodename > /dev/null 2>&1
+            fi
+        fi
+    fi
+# for each test created, add it to the follow array:
+tests=''; testcount=0;
+# $1 - test name
+add_test () {
+    tests="${tests} $1"
+# $1 - node name
+start_virt_viewer () {
+    local nodename=$1
+    sudo virt-viewer $nodename > /dev/null 2>&1&
+# $1 - the node's name
+# $2 - kernel arguments
+# $3 - working directory
+boot_with_pxe () {
+    local nodename=$1
+    local kernel_args=$2
+    local workdir=$3
+    debug "boot_with_pxe ()"
+    debug "-      workdir: ${workdir}"
+    debug "-     nodename: ${nodename}"
+    debug "-  kernel_args: ${kernel_args}"
+    setup_pxeboot $workdir "${kernel_args}"
+    sudo virsh start $nodename > /dev/null 2>&1
+    if $show_viewer; then
+        start_virt_viewer $nodename
+    fi
+# $1 - the node's name
+boot_from_hd () {
+    local nodename=$1
+    debug "boot_from_hd ()"
+    debug "::nodename: ${nodename}"
+    sudo virsh start $nodename > /dev/null 2>&1
+    if $show_viewer; then
+        start_virt_viewer $nodename
+    fi
+# $1 - the node name
+# $2 - the old boot device
+# $3 - the new boot device
+substitute_boot_device () {
+    local nodename=$1
+    local old_device=$2
+    local new_device=$3
+    local new_node_file=$WORKDIR/$nodename-new.xml
+    if [ -n "${nodename}" ]; then
+        local xml=$(sudo virsh dumpxml $nodename | sed "s/boot dev='"${old_device}"'/boot dev='"${new_device}"'/")
+        sudo printf "${xml}" > $new_node_file
+        sudo virsh define $new_node_file
+    fi
+add_test "test_stateless_pxe"
+test_stateless_pxe () {
+    local nodename="${vm_prefix}-stateless-pxe"
+    local workdir=$WORKDIR
+    start_networking $nodename $IFACE_NAME false true $workdir
+    configure_node "${nodename}" "network" "" "10000" "" "local noapic=true"
+    boot_with_pxe "${nodename}" "standalone firstboot=no" "${workdir}"
+    expect -c '
+set timeout '${timeout_period}'
+log_file -noappend stateless-pxe.log
+spawn sudo virsh console '"${nodename}"'
+expect {
+    -exact "Linux version"         { send_log "\n\nMarker 1\n\n"; exp_continue }
+    -exact "Starting ovirt-early:" { send_log "\n\nMarker 2\n\n"; exp_continue }
+    -exact "Starting ovirt:"       { send_log "\n\nMarker 3\n\n"; exp_continue }
+    -exact "Starting ovirt-post:"  { send_log "\n\nMarker 4\n\n"; exp_continue }
+    -re    "localhost.*login:"     { send_log "\n\nMarker 5\n\n"; exit }
+    timeout {
+send_log "\nTimeout waiting for marker..\n\n"
+exit 1
+    } eof {
+send_log "Unexpected end of file."
+exit 2
+    }
+send_log "\n\nUnexpected end of interaction.\n\n"
+exit 3'
+    result=$?
+    destroy_node $nodename
+    stop_networking $IFACE_NAME true
+    return $result
+add_test "test_stateless_pxe_with_nohd"
+test_stateless_pxe_with_nohd () {
+    local nodename="${vm_prefix}-stateless-pxe-nohd"
+    local workdir=$WORKDIR
+    start_networking $nodename $IFACE_NAME false true $workdir
+    configure_node "${nodename}" "network" "" "" "" "local noapic=true"
+    boot_with_pxe "${nodename}" "firstboot=no" "${workdir}"
+    expect -c '
+set timeout '${timeout_period}'
+log_file -noappend stateless-pxe.log
+spawn sudo virsh console '"${nodename}"'
+expect {
+    -exact "Linux version"         { send_log "\n\nMarker 1\n\n"; exp_continue }
+    -exact "Starting ovirt-early:" { send_log "\n\nMarker 2\n\n"; exp_continue }
+    -exact "Starting ovirt:"       { send_log "\n\nMarker 3\n\n"; exp_continue }
+    -exact "Starting ovirt-post:"  { send_log "\n\nMarker 4\n\n"; exp_continue }
+    -re    "localhost.*login:"     { send_log "\n\nMarker 5\n\n"; exit }
+    timeout {
+       send_log "\nTimeout waiting for marker..\n\n"
+       exit 1
+    } eof {
+       send_log "Unexpected end of file."
+       exit 2
+    }
+send_log "\n\nUnexpected end of interaction.\n\n"
+exit 3'
+    result=$?
+    destroy_node $nodename
+    stop_networking $IFACE_NAME true
+    return $result
+add_test "test_stateful_pxe"
+test_stateful_pxe () {
+    local nodename="${vm_prefix}-stateful-pxe"
+    local workdir=$WORKDIR
+    local ipaddress=${NODE_ADDRESS}
+    for var in nodename workdir ipaddress; do
+        eval debug "::\$$var: $var"
+    done
+    start_networking $nodename $IFACE_NAME false true $workdir
+    configure_node "${nodename}" "network" "" "10000" "" "local noapic=true"
+    boot_with_pxe "${nodename}" "standalone storage_init=/dev/vda local_boot ip=${ipaddress}" ${workdir}
+    # verify the booting and installation
+    expect -c '
+set timeout '${timeout_period}'
+log_file -noappend stateful-pxe.log
+spawn sudo virsh console '"${nodename}"'
+expect {
+    -exact "Linux version"                     { send_log "\n\nMarker 1\n\n"; exp_continue }
+    -exact "Starting ovirt-early:"             { send_log "\n\nMarker 2\n\n"; exp_continue }
+    -exact "Starting ovirt:"                   { send_log "\n\nMarker 3\n\n"; exp_continue }
+    -exact "Starting ovirt-post:"              { send_log "\n\nMarker 4\n\n"; exp_continue }
+    -exact "Starting ovirt-firstpost:"         { send_log "\n\nMarker 5\n\n"; exp_continue }
+    -exact "Starting partitioning of /dev/vda" { send_log "\n\nMarker 6\n\n"; exp_continue }
+    -exact "Restarting system"                 { send_log "\n\nMarker 7\n\n"; exit }
+    timeout {
+send_log "\nTimeout waiting for marker..\n\n"
+exit 1
+    } eof {
+send_log "Unexpected end of file."
+exit 2
+    }
+send_log "\n\nUnexpected end of interaction.\n\n"
+exit 3'
+    result=$?
+    # only continue if we're in a good state
+    if [ $result -eq 0 ]; then
+        destroy_node "${nodename}" false
+        substitute_boot_device "${nodename}" "network" "hd"
+        boot_from_hd  "${nodename}"
+        expect -c '
+set timeout '${timeout_period}'
+log_file stateful-pxe.log
+send_log "Restarted node, booting from hard disk.\n"
+spawn sudo virsh console '"${nodename}"'
+expect {
+    -re "localhost.*login:" { send_log "\n\nLogin marker found\n\n"; exit }
+    timeout {
+send_log "\nMarker not found.\n\n"
+exit 1
+    } eof {
+send_log "Unexpected end of file."
+exit 2
+    }
+send_log "\n\nUnexpected end of interaction.\n\n"
+exit 3
+        expect -c '
+set timeout 3
+log_file stateful-pxe.log
+spawn ping -c 3 '"${ipaddress}"'
+expect {
+    -exact "64 bytes from '"${ipaddress}"'" { send_log "\n\nGot ping response!\n"; send_log "\n\nNetworking verified!\n"; exit }
+    timeout {
+send_log "\nMarker not found.\n\n"
+exit 1
+    } eof {
+send_log "Unexpected end of file."
+exit 2
+    }
+send_log "\n\nUnexpected end of interaction.\n\n"
+exit 3'
+    fi
+    destroy_node $nodename
+    stop_networking $IFACE_NAME true
+    return $result
+# configures the environment for testing
+setup_for_testing () {
+    debug "WORKDIR=${WORKDIR}"
+    debug "isofile=${isofile}"
+    debug "isoname=${isoname}"
+    IFACE_NAME=testbr$$
+    debug "IFACE_NAME=${IFACE_NAME}"
+    NETWORK=192.168.$(echo "scale=0; print $$ % 255" | bc -l)
+    debug "NETWORK=${NETWORK}"
+    debug "preserve_vm=${preserve_vm}"
+# cleans up any loose ends
+cleanup_after_testing () {
+    debug "Cleaning up"
+    stop_dnsmasq
+    stop_networking
+    # destroy any running vms
+    vm_list=$(sudo virsh list --all | awk '/'${vm_prefix}-'/ { print $2 }')
+    test -n "$vm_list" && for vm in $vm_list; do
+        destroy_node $vm
+    done
+    stop_networking
+    # do not delete the work directory if preserve was specified
+    if $preserve_vm; then return; fi
+    rm -rf $WORKDIR
+# check commandline options
+while getopts di:n:pt:vwh c; do
+    case $c in
+        d) debugging=true;;
+        i) isofile=($OPTARG);;
+        n) tests=($OPTARG);;
+        p) preserve_vm=true;;
+        t) timeout_period=($OPTARG);;
+        v) set -v;;
+        w) show_viewer=true;;
+        h) usage; exit 0;;
+        '?') die "invalid option \`-$OPTARG'";;
+        :) die "missing argument to \`-$OPTARG' option";;
+        *) die "internal error";;
+    esac
+isoname=$(basename $isofile)
+isofile="$(cd `dirname $isofile`; pwd)/${isoname}"
+if ! [ -s "${isofile}" ]; then
+    die "Missing or invalid file: ${isofile}"
+shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
+set +u
+if [ $# -gt 0 -a -n "$1" ]; then RESULTS=$1; else RESULTS=autotest.log; fi
+set -u
+debug "result_file=${result_file}"
+log "Logging results to file: ${RESULTS}"
+    setup_for_testing
+    log "Begin Testing: ${isoname}"
+    log "Tests: ${tests}"
+    log "Timeout: ${timeout_period} ms"
+    for test in ${tests}; do
+        execute_test $test
+        result=$?
+        if [ $result != 0 ]; then
+            echo "${result}" > $result_file
+            break
+        fi
+    done
+    log "End Testing: ${isoname}"
+} | sudo tee --append $RESULTS
+if [ -s "$result_file" ]; then
+    exit $(cat $result_file)

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