mod_auth_pam extended group auth patch

Jesse Guardiani jesse at
Fri May 26 16:04:38 UTC 2006

Jesse Guardiani wrote:
> Hello,
> Please see attached for a patch to mod_auth_pam that
> adds extended group auth support to mod_auth_pam.
> In other words, this patch allows you to auth by ANY
> group a user is a member of, not just their primary
> group.


> I noticed that Samba didn't have any trouble auth'ing
> by extended groups, so I set out to port the Samba
> /etc/group auth code to mod_auth_pam. This patch is
> the result of that. However, note that I found a bug
> in the Samba 3.0.21c code, so it's a little different
> than that code. I plan to submit a bug fix to the
> samba project shortly if the bug still exists in their
> source (I wrote this patch over a month ago, so I'm
> not sure about the current state of things).

Looking back, it's actually been two months since I wrote
the patch, and comparing the patch with Samba today, I
think I might have imagined the bug in Samba when in fact
it was merely a bug in my port of the samba code. I can't
see the bug anymore. :) It was getting really late when I
discovered the supposed bug anyway, so it's very possible
it was just a bug in my patch.

Either way, the patch works, so let me know.

Jesse Guardiani
Programmer/Sys Admin
jesse at

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