Ipvsad problems

René Enskat [Teamware GmbH] ren at teamware-gmbh.de
Mon May 30 07:13:39 UTC 2005

I still have problems with my loadbalancer
I start the pulse an dpiranha daemon without errors then i have this:

  -> RemoteAddress:Port           Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
TCP  lbtest.teamware-gmbh.de:http rr
  -> telemach4.teamware-gmbh.de:h Route   18618  0          0
  -> telemach3.teamware-gmbh.de:h Route   20480  0          0
TCP  adressenlb.bfv.de:http wlc persistent 600
  -> telemach4.teamware-gmbh.de:h Route   18618  0          0
  -> telemach3.teamware-gmbh.de:h Route   20480  0          0

But i cant surf to the sides.
The strange thing is when i ask for the arp for the adress of
adressenlb.bfv.de i get: 0030.4852.fb8c
But the LB has the arp: 0030.0525.16ac
I installed the arpfilter on the both realhost and denied outgoing arps
to substitude with the main host ip for outgoing arp requests.

Chain IN (policy ACCEPT)
target     source-ip            destination-ip       source-hw
destination-hw     hlen   op         hrd        pro
DROP       anywhere             adressenlb.bfv.de    anywhere
anywhere           any    any        any        any

Chain OUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     source-ip            destination-ip       source-hw
destination-hw     hlen   op         hrd        pro
mangle     anywhere             adressenlb.bfv.de    anywhere
anywhere           any    any        any        any       --mangle-ip-s

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target     source-ip            destination-ip       source-hw
destination-hw     hlen   op         hrd        pro

Somebody can say whats the problem there?

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