[Pki-devel] CMake questions

Endi Sukma Dewata edewata at redhat.com
Wed Feb 22 23:14:06 UTC 2012


Here is a summary of our conversation. The PKI project consists of 
several components (e.g. util, common, ca, kra) and each might have 
source codes and test codes. We want to use CMake to generate the 
following Makefile targets:

  * all: This is the default target which should build only the main 
source code, not the test code.

  * test: This target will build and run the test code. It will use 2 
subtargets: build-test and run-test.

They need to be separate targets because we might need to fix either the 
source or the test and then rerun the test without having to rebuild 

Currently this is what we have (see 
The main CMakeLists.txt defines the main 'test' target:


This target is empty, but each component can attach itself to the main 
'test' target. For example the util package contains the following 
script (see base/util/test/CMakeLists.txt):


   # build util test
   add_jar(pki-util-test ...)


   # define util test target
   add_junit_test(test-pki-util ...)

   # attach util test to the main test target
   add_dependencies(test test-pki-util)

The problem is the add_jar() is defined at the top level, so the test 
code will be built when we call 'make all', which is not what we want.

Is there a way to move add_jar() into a function/target such that the 
test code will be built only when the 'test' target is called?

So the main CMakeLists.txt will be something like this:

   # define the test target

   # define the build-test subtarget
   add_dependencies(test build-test)

   # define the run-test subtarget
   add_dependencies(test run-test)

and the util's CMakeLists.txt will be like this:

   # define a function/target to build util test
   function(build-pki-util-test ...)
     add_jar(pki-util-test ...)
   endfunction(build-pki-util-test ...)

   # attach the function/target to build-test
   add_dependencies(build-test build-pki-util-test)

   # define a function/target to run util test
   add_junit_test(run-pki-util-test ...)

   # attach the function/target to run-test
   add_dependencies(run-test run-pki-util-test)

If this is not possible, what would be the best alternative? Thanks!

PS: We also talked about compiling Java codes without having to specify 
the files explicitly, but that's for a separate discussion.

Endi S. Dewata

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