[Pki-devel] [PATCH] 90 Fixes for comments on patches 87 and 89

Ade Lee alee at redhat.com
Mon Apr 14 16:10:13 UTC 2014


1. Patch 90 introduces a whitespace error.
2. In KeyClient.java, you can use StringUtils to make the following more

	if (invalidUsages == null) {
             invalidUsages = list[i];
        } else {
             invalidUsages = invalidUsages + ", " + list[i];

   invalidUsages = StringUtils.join(list[i])

Other than that it looks good.  So ACK from me.  Please wait for Endi's ACK too.

I still would like to see some kind of CLI option to archive a symmetric key.  Lets
add a ticket for that.


On Thu, 2014-04-10 at 10:19 -0400, Abhishek Koneru wrote:
> Please review the patch with fixes for comments given by Ade and Endi.
> All the solutions were discussed on IRC. All comments are addressed
> except comment 10 in Endi's comments and one comment from Ade to add a
> cli option to archive symmetric key from its binary string.
> Also attaching patches 87, 89. Please apply them in this order 87, 89,
> 90
> --Abhishek
> Ade's Comments:
> KeyModifyCLI.java:
> 1) super("mod", "Get key request", keyCLI);  "Get key request" is not
> right ..  This appears to be a problem in multiple CLIs.
> 2) help does not look right -- do options follow the <keyId> ?
> 3) What happens if you choose a non-existent id?  This is for all the
> CLIs.
> ** All the CLIs return the 404 exception thrown from the server for a
> given ID.
> 4. No validation of status input.
> Template.java
> 1) Add line after field declarations and before constructor.
> KeyArchiveCLI 
> 1) Archive a secret at the DRM --> in the DRM.
> 2) There appears to be no option to archive a symmetric key?  
>    Given that its one of our primary use cases, we should have an option
> for it.
> ** Not done in this patch.
> KeyGenerate.java
> 1) In help, do [OPTIONS] follow the args?
> 2. There is no validation of usages() - and the list really ought to be
> generated
>    from the SymKeyGenerationRequest definition.
> 3. "Required for all algorithms AES and RC2." doesn't sound right.
> "Required for AES and RC2 algorithms".  RC4 I think requires a key size
> and uses a
> default in case one is not provided.
> 4. If I recall correctly, there is a JSS function that checks whether an
> key_size is
>    valid.  We should probably do some validation here.
> KeyRecoverCLI
> 1.  This should probably be "Create a key recovery request" --> rather
> than "Recover key" 
>     and at the end, this would be "Key Recovery Request Info".
>     and so maybe this should be "key-request-recovery" ?
> KeyRequestTemplateFind:
> "Template file for submitting a key archival request");
> "Template for submitting a key recovery request.");
> "Template for submitting a symmetric key generation request.");
> TemplateShowCLI - 
> 1. No need to put list of templates in help -- thats what template-find
> is for.
> KeyRetrievalCLI
> 1.  There should be an option to store the raw output to a file.  Binary
> data doesn't print well.
> 2. If a wrapping key was not initially provided, then the encrypted data
> makes no sense.
>    Similarly if a wrapping key was not provided, then the enencrypted
> data makes no sense.
> Endi's comments:
> 1. In KeyClient.java:197 the boolean expression contains redundant 
> parentheses (which can make it harder to read). It can be simplified as 
> follows:
>    if (!status.equalsIgnoreCase(KeyResource.KEY_STATUS_ACTIVE)
>        && !status.equalsIgnoreCase(KeyResource.KEY_STATUS_INACTIVE)) {
> 2. In KeyModifyCLI let's remove the square brackets and add spaces in 
> the help message for the --status parameter to make it more readable.
>    --status <status>   Status of the key.
>                        Valid values: active, inactive.
> Square brackets are used in command syntaxes to indicate optional 
> parameters. Parameter description should contain explanation, not 
> command syntaxes.
> 3. Same thing for KeyGenerateCLI. Here's my suggestion (also notice 
> other differences and typo fixes):
>    --key-algorithm <algorithm>   Algorithm to be used to create a key.
>                                  Valid values: AES, DES, DES3, RC2, RC4,
>                                  DESede.
>    --key-size <size>             Size of the key to be generated.
>                                  This is required for AES and RC2.
>                                  Valid values for AES: 128, 192, 256.
>                                  Valid values for RC2: 8-128.
>    --usage <list of usages>      Comma separated list of usages.
>                                  Valid values: wrap, unwrap, sign,
>                                  verify, encrypt, decrypt.
> Alternatively, move the list of valid key sizes into the manual page.
> 4. Same thing for KeyRequestReviewCLI:
>    --action <action>    Action to be performed on the request.
>                         Valid values: approve, reject, cancel.
> 5. In KeyModifyCLI I don't think we should compare the requested status 
> and the new status after modification. If the operation fails for some 
> reason the server should have thrown an exception, and the client would 
> have reported the error without this additional check. So the code can 
> be simplified like this:
>    KeyInfo keyInfo = keyCLI.keyClient.getKeyInfo(keyId);
>    KeyCLI.printKeyInfo(keyInfo);
> 6. In KeyRequestShowCLI, KeyShowCLI, KeyArchiveCLI, KeyRecoverCLI, and 
> KeyRetrieveCLI let's use consistent capitalization for "ID":
>    formatter.printHelp(getFullName() + " <Request ID>", options);
>    formatter.printHelp(getFullName() + " <Key ID>", options);
>    Option option = new Option(null, "clientKeyID", true, ...);
>    Option option = new Option(null, "keyID", true, ...);
> 7. Please run source format on Template.java.
> 8. In Template.java it's not necessary to prefix the attributes with
> the 
> class name. So the attributes can simply be called: id, name,
> description.
> 9. In KeyArchiveCLI, KeyRecoverCLI, and KeyRetrieveCLI I don't think we 
> should check requestFile.trim().length() != 0. If people mistakenly put 
> a blank filename (due to a scripting bug) we want the command to fail 
> instead of doing something else (i.e. archiving a passphrase):
>    pki key-archive --input "$filename"    --> blank $filename
>    Error: Client Key Id is not specified. --> misleading error
> 10. This is an existing issue, the KeyArchivalRequest and 
> KeyRecoveryRequest should have decoded the fields (e.g. 
> PKIArchiveOptions, SymmetricAlgorithmParams, TransWrappedSessionKey) 
> automatically, so it's not necessary to decode the fields explicitly:
>    response = keyCLI.keyClient.archivePKIOptions(
>        req.getClientKeyId(),
>        req.getDataType(),
>        req.getKeyAlgorithm(),
>        req.getKeySize(),
>        req.getPKIArchiveOptions());
> 11. Redundant parentheses in KeyCLI.java:75 can be removed:
>    if (client.getConfig().getCertDatabase() != null
>        && client.getConfig().getCertPassword() != null) {
> 12. In KeyGenerateCLI I think assigning the default key size is a 
> responsibility of a CryptoProvider, not the CLI.
> 13. In KeyGenerateCLI.java:94 it's not necessary to wrap the list with 
> another ArrayList. The list can be used directly as follows:
>    usagesList = Arrays.asList(usages);
> 14. Typo in KeyRequestReviewCLI.java:43. It should be:
>    System.err.println("Error: Invalid arguments provided.");
> 15. The following class names don't match the command names:
>    KeyRequestTemplateFindCLI --> key-template-find
>    KeyRequestTemplateShowCLI --> key-template-show
> Either the class names or command names should be fixed to reflect the 
> command hierarchy.
> 16. The KeyRequestTemplateShowCLI should not hard-code the list of 
> template ID's in the command syntax. It should simply be:
>    usage: key-template-show <Template ID> [OPTIONS]
> The key-template-show should only accept whatever Template ID returned 
> by key-template-find.
> 17. It would be better to store the templates as files, then both 
> key-template-find and key-template-show can read from the same files.
> In 
> the future the list of templates may come from the server.
> 18. For consistency it would be better to rename Template to
> KeyTemplate 
> or KeyRequestTemplate.
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