[publican-list] Publican Install on Os X Lion 7.2.3 - We think we have it

George Grenley grenley at plans2reality.com
Fri May 18 02:51:22 UTC 2012

With a gob of support from Misty and Rudi, we managed to get Publican running under Lion. Here's what we did. Please try this, or at least let me know if there is anything that seems ambiguous.

Installing Publican on OS X Lion  ¶

1. Install Xcode from Mac App Store.

It is about 4 GB. Be prepared to wait. It has thngs you need, though.

2. Install Macports from


Everything you install with it goes into /opt/local, away from your normal OS files.

3. Open a terminal window. You will need an adminstrative password.

4. Install dependencies for Publican which are available as ports.  

sudo port install docbook-xml docbook-xsl docbook-sgml-4.2 perl5 bash-completion p5-file-pushd p5-config-simple p5-file-find-rule p5-file-slurp p5-class-trigger p5-time-hires p5-list-moreutils p5-ipc-run3 p5-class-accessor p5-test-perl-critic p5-xml-libxslt p5-locale-gettext p5-image-size p5-file-copy-recursive p5-datetime p5-archive-zip p5-timedate p5-html-format p5-dbd-sqlite p5-xml-simple p5-devel-cover p5-test-pod p5-test-pod-coverage p5-template-toolkit

5. Install CPAN modules for dependencies which can't be satisfied with ports. sudo cpan Locale::Maketext::Gettext Locale::PO DateTime::Format::DateParse Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate XML::TreeBuilder File::Inplace String::Similarity HTML::FormatText::WithLinks::AndTables

Note: these installs will generate lots of messages, including warnings. Don’t worry about them.

6.Install FOP if you want PDFs to work:

sudo port install fop

echo "FOP_OPTS='-Xms50m -Xmx700m'" > ~/.foprc


7 Check out Publican main branch. This command should be run from your user home directory, i.e. /Users/yourusername. The command is:

git clone git://git.fedorahosted.org/publican.git

 8. Change directories:

 cd publican/publican

This directory should contain a file named Build.pl. Check to be sure all has gone well.

In the publican directory, run:  

perl ./Build.PL



These, too, will generate LOTS of warnings. Ignore them

Run the following command to install Publican and put all of its bits into /opt/local

sudo ./Build install

You are now done with the basics.

Create and build a book ¶

publican create --name=testbook

cd testbook

publican build --formats=html --langs=en-US

Open the tmp/en-US/html/index.html in a browser to prove that it built properly. 

open tmp/en-US/html/index.html

Install a brand ¶

Only once, fix the permissions of the Common Brand. This is a bug that will be addressed eventually. find /opt/local/share/publican -type f |xargs sudo chmod 644

Either check out the SVN for your brand, or get a pre-built brand from a friend.

The SVN location for the brands supplied by Red Hat is  http://svn.fedorahosted.org/svn/publican

If you use a pre-built brand, extract it if necessary.

If you got the brand from SVN, build it. cd publican/publican-jboss

publican build --formats=xml --langs=all --publish

Install the brand. sudo publican install_brand --path=/opt/local/share/publican/Common_Content

You can now use the brand in your books by editing your book's publican.cfg or specifying the --brand option when creating your book.
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