[Pulp-list] Sanity Check

Bryan Kearney bkearney at redhat.com
Thu Sep 23 15:49:33 UTC 2010

On 09/23/2010 09:58 AM, Jeff Ortel wrote:
> All,
> I'd like to get a quick sanity check on how I designed the dispatching
> of API methods (that rely on RMI on the agent) through the task
> subsystem. The approach is simple enough. Hopefully, the long write up
> will not make it seem more complicated than it really is :)
> First, add classes to pulp.server.async.py that mirror the
> pulp.server.agent.Agent class but performs RMI asynchronously by default
> and specifies the same correlation tag as the reply listener. The
> pulp.server.agent.Agent does synchronous RMI by default and this way,
> the replies are guaranteed to match what the reply listener is listening
> on.
> Second, the ReplyListener is added to pulp.server.async.py. It's job is
> to listen for asynchronous RMI replies based on the same correlation tag
> specified when the RMI was invoked as described above. When replies are
> received, the associated task is updated by calling either
> Task.succeeded() or Task.failed(). The task is also updated with the RMI
> returned value or exception as appropriate.
> Third, I extended the pulp.server.tasking.task.Task as AsyncTask. Unlike
> its superclass, it expects its callable to be asynchronous. Further,
> when the task runs the callable, the task's state is not advanced in
> anticipation that its succeeded() or failed() methods will be called by
> an external event.
> Last, and most significant, is how the API classes leverage (1-3). The
> API methods such as ConsumerApi.installpackages() need to do something
> on the agent and then update consumer history if the agent (RMI) was
> successful. This is what makes this kind of tricky. So, what I decided
> to implement this by subclassing the AsyncTask as
> pulp.server.api.consumer.InstallPackages. This specialized task is
> created/enqueued and returned by ConsumerApi.installpackages() giving
> InstallPackages.install() as the task's target callable. When invoked,
> it sends the RMI. Then, when the reply comes in and Task.succeeded() is
> called by the queue. This method is overridden in InstallPackages which
> calls super.succeeded() and then updates the consumer history.
> It looks like this:
> WS(controller)-->ConsumerApi.installpackages()-->FIFOQueue.enqueue(task)
> [ task runs Task.callable() ]
> InstallPackages.install()-->AsyncAgent.packages.install()
> [ RMI to agent ]
> [ agent reply received on QPID queue ]
> ReplyListener.succeeded(reply)
> -->FIFOQueue.find(taskid)
> -->InstallPackages.succeeded(reply)
> -->Super.succeeded(reply)
> -->ConsumerHistoryApi.packages_installed()

Is the assumption that the task is stored in either the DB or a user 
session? Also... how does this patern change if I want to install 
packages at noon next tuesday?

-- bk

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