[redhat-ccm-list] Community update

Daniel P. Berrange berrange at redhat.com
Tue Aug 24 09:49:12 UTC 2004

On Mon, Aug 23, 2004 at 02:17:19PM -0400, Richard Li wrote:
> APLAWS+ is built directly on top of CCM. Historically it has forked 
> WAF/CMS but with the 6.1.0 release we worked hard to merge all of the 
> forks into the mainline in a supportable way.

Yes, following on from what Richard said, we merged everything we
needed from the previous APLAWS fork, into WAF/CMS 6.10, so we are
running APLAWS+ on the official supported mainline codebase. We have
no intention of forking again, since its not in anybody's interest.

So as it standards now, APLAWS+ is bst considered as a layer of additional
applications ontop of the stanard WAF + CMS. Only one or two of these
applications are  in any way APLAWS specific, so if desired you can pick
and choose which additional apps you'd like to install. For those who
are not familiar with APLAWS+ it bundles together

  * WAF - formerly CCM-Core
  * CMS - the CMS itself
  * Importer - content import tool
  * Exporter - contnet export tool
  * Forum - discussion forums
  * Portals - collaborative workspaces
  * Terms - controlled category list importer & management
  * Shortcuts - URL shortcuts
  * Search - public facing search & remote SOAP search service
  * Rss - RSS syndication of content
  * Themes - manage XSL themes for styling
  * Subsite - name based virtual hosting from single CMS
  * navigation - general purpose content navigation 
  * A-Z - autogenerated A-Z of contnetn & categories
  * Auth - integration with HTTP authentication, eg Basic Auth, NTLM

There are also a bunch of extra content types ontop of the 9 or
so we previously contributed back to the general CMS app. Since APLAWS+
now lets you pick & choose amongst these apps, rather than having hem
as a single unit, I'd say we're in a very good situation for community
involvement. We finally have a single code base for all projects, and
a large set of applications & content types. Not to mention the large
technical imporvments we made in the 6.1 release cycle to kill off
some of the more qustionable code & move us in the direction of a
more J2EE facing implementation. 

> > The problem is I don't have Aplaws; I have CCM. While it's great that 
> > there is an apparent strong community for a line of CCM, unless you're 
> > supporting the base codeline as opposed to a sibling or cousin it 
> > really doesn't assuage my concerns for support. I'll admit I'm not 
> > familiar with Aplaws - not a lick. Have you changed the core CCM code 
> > or do you just provide extensions and then submit any required core 
> > modifications to Red Hat?

I hope the above overview helped your understanding of how APLAWS fits
in with CCM. APLAWS & CCM are one & the same codebase - its merely a 
bundle of re-usable CCM applications with an integration layer added
on top to provide some government focused pieces.

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