xterm error question

Rick Stevens rstevens at vitalstream.com
Tue Apr 20 18:42:22 UTC 2004

GoijI P wrote:
> My problem is that "telnet localhost" on localhost, HOSTA fails
> and can not figure out, why. checked ifconfig eth0, ifcofg-eth0,
> ressolv.conf, hosts files and they seem to be ok.

The telnet daemon is probably not running.  If you read my post, you'll
see that telnet is disabled by default.  You can see if it's listening
by doing "netstat -lpn | grep :23".  If you get no output, telnet isn't
listening and you'll need to use one of those commands I mentioned to
start it (redhat-config-services, ntsysv, or manually tweaking the
xinetd.d files and sending xinetd a SIGHUP).

If you configured a firewall, you must also make sure your machine will
accept connections from TCP port 23 and (optionally) UDP port 23.

Again, if you can avoid it, NEVER, EVER use telnet.  Use ssh instead
of telnet and enable X forwarding in the ssh server if you need X
clients on the remote machine to use the X server on your local machine.
ssh is standard equipment with Linux.  IMHO, telnet should be purged.

And before you get confused, the concept of X server and client are
reversed from what you normally think.  The X server is the machine with
the keyboard, mouse and display.  The X client is the program that makes
use of those, and is normally on the remote machine.
- Rick Stevens, Senior Systems Engineer     rstevens at vitalstream.com -
- VitalStream, Inc.                       http://www.vitalstream.com -
-                                                                    -
-                   "The bogosity meter just pegged."                -

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