Seagate STT3401A on FC2

Rick Stevens rstevens at
Mon Nov 29 18:29:32 UTC 2004

Bob McClure Jr wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 22, 2004 at 02:41:28PM -0600, Bob McClure Jr wrote:
>>On Mon, Nov 22, 2004 at 09:53:59AM -0800, Rick Stevens wrote:
>>>Bob McClure Jr wrote:
>>>><among other things>
>>>>Here's an interesting thing about my tape.  After a reboot, an attempt
>>>>to back up to it results in a failure like "device busy" or some
>>>>such, but the next and all following work fine.  When I upgraded to
>>>>FC2, I think that problem went away.  I don't recall.  I don't reboot
>>>>that much. :-)
>>>Yes, IDE tapes are normally "/dev/htx" or "/dev/nhtx".  SCSI tapes are
>>>"/dev/stx" and "/dev/nstx".
>>>Bob, you might try "mt -i /dev/ht0 rewoffl" first (rewind and eject).
>>Umm, perhaps you meant "mt -f /dev/ht0 rewoffl"?  The man page doesn't
>>document a "-i" option.
>>>Sometimes that initializes the drive adequately to prevent such
>>Cool.  I'll give it a try.
>>>- Rick Stevens, Senior Systems Engineer     rstevens at -
>>>- VitalStream, Inc.              -
>>>-                                                                    -
>>>-    Admitting you have a problem is the first step toward getting   -
>>>-    medicated for it.      -- Jim Evarts (   -
>>Bob McClure, Jr.
> FYI, it didn't work.  Had a power outage Thursday morning and shut
> everything down.  Then booted up when power came back.  Yesterday, I
> did the suggested "mt -f /dev/ht0 rewoffl", which ran without
> complaint.  This morning's backup report was:
> backup started at Sun Nov 28 04:25:38 CST 2004
> afio: "/dev/nht0" [offset 5m+880k+0]: Fatal error:
> afio: "/dev/nht0": Input/output error
> backup finished at Sun Nov 28 04:26:47 CST 2004
> I re-ran it in the background (with an "at" command) and it worked
> fine, as it will every subsequent time until it's rebooted again.
> It's not a problem anymore on my other machine that I've upgraded to
> FC2.  Gotta get that done on this one Real Soon Now.

Interesting.  Sounds like there's a glitch in the driver for the kernel
you're running.  Must leave a weird status flag set or something.

BTW, running FC3 on ye ol' laptop now as a guinea pig.  We'll see how
it goes.  Also running FC3 on a couple of servers with GFS.  Seems to
work pretty well so far.

> Hope you had a happy turkey (day).

Buuuuuurp!  ;-)
- Rick Stevens, Senior Systems Engineer     rstevens at -
- VitalStream, Inc.              -
-                                                                    -
-   Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the   -
-                     reader...who doesn't get it.                   -

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