uptime solution

Rick Stevens rstevens at vitalstream.com
Wed Apr 20 16:36:44 UTC 2005

ajay wrote:
> hi can you tell me solution for uptime.
> here in my company , many data operaters, scan operaters, image editors 
> ..  work and i want a solution for their machine uptime , on daily basis 
> and monthly, and reporting , to a centralised server and by email 
> automatic. and further we can calculate their uptime and take printouts.

The classic way is to make sure all of the other machines are running
rstatd, then run "rup hostname" on your data collection machine to get
the uptime for the remote machine:

[root at prophead root]# rup golem
golem            up   1 day,  18:32,    load average: 0.00 0.00 0.00

To run rstatd on the remote machines,

	chkconfig --levels 2345 rstatd on

will make sure it starts at boot time, and

	/etc/rc.d/init.d/rstatd start

to start it the first time.  Note that rstatd uses the RPC mechanism
as NFS does, so don't forget to poke holes in the firewall for it.

Look at the man page for "rup", as there are some other options
- Rick Stevens, Senior Systems Engineer     rstevens at vitalstream.com -
- VitalStream, Inc.                       http://www.vitalstream.com -
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