User name and Pass word won't let me boot redhat 8

Bob McClure Jr robertmcclure at
Wed Nov 16 13:57:04 UTC 2005

On Tue, Nov 15, 2005 at 08:24:00PM -0800, Sam Duvall wrote:
> I have red hat 8 installed and when I start it up it
> gets
> as far as a logon screen that wants a username and
> password for localhost/local????? I didn't have a
> password for my home network so I don't know how to
> get past that. Is there any way to disable it. It is
> installed as a personal computer on a home network
> useing 
> XP for the lead computer.
> Thank You 
> Sam Duvall
> Have A GREAT day 
> Sam Duvall 
> Horsehead Ranch 
> 1133 Hwy 528 
> Wolf Point, MT 59201

I think that's a genuinely Bad Idea (tm) and it's Rank Stupidity if
the machine is accessable from the Internet.

But if you must, boot the machine to single user (assuming it's not
blocked by the late, unlamented linuxconf)

You don't mention how you're using it.  I hope you are doing normal
stuff as a mere mortal user and not as root.  You should operate as
root _only_when_you_must_.  The reason is that if you make a mistake
as a mere mortal, the damage you can do is limited.  You can do a
_lot_ of damage as root.

Bob McClure, Jr.             Bobcat Open Systems, Inc.
robertmcclure at
Peace at any price is inflationary.

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