RHEL4 - rsh: permission denied

Thomas Walter tbw at geo.hunter.cuny.edu
Wed May 3 19:36:55 UTC 2006

I'm trying to get rsh set between two machines (local is Solaris 9, 
remote is RHEL4). I've done it before (I 
have a "cookbook") but I'm missing something. Please help. I'm aware of 
the security issues involved using "r" commands.

What I've done on remote machine:
- in .rhosts I put FQ machine name and user name.
- added "+ FQ machine name user" in /etc/hosts.equiv
- in /etc/xinetd.d/rsh and rexec changed to "disable = no"
- added rsh to /etc/securetty
- restarted xinetd
- no error messages in/etc/log/messages when restarting xinetd.

What I've done on local machine:
- added remote FQ machine name and same user name to .rhosts

On local machine the command "rsh machinename w" results in "permission 

On remote machine command "rsh localhost w" results in "permission denied.



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