Does rh9.0 support 200G hard disk?

Ding Li achillis2002 at
Fri Apr 30 20:32:46 UTC 2004

I already bought one. The hard disk is actually 250G. There is no 
problem for
redhat 9.0 to find it and recognize it correctly.:) The installation is 
smooth.:) Thanks anyway.

Benjamin J. Weiss wrote:

>>>I would like to buy a 200G hard disk for backup use. I am wondering does
>>>rh 9.0 support it? Do I need to do some extra work to let it work? such
>>>as compiling a kernel? Thanks
>>Works out of the box.
>If you haven't purchased the hard drive yet, you might want to double check
>the motherboard specs.  I purchased a 200Gig drive to store home movies
>captured from my video camera, only to find that the motherboard only had
>28bit addressing for the hd, so I could only see about 120GB of it.  That
>should be fixed when I get the new motherboard in a week or two. :)

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