Dead SSH Connections from script

Pete Nesbitt pete at
Tue Jul 20 01:25:42 UTC 2004

On July 19, 2004 09:26 am, Richard Hobbs wrote:
> Hello,
> This script is causing problems... for some reason it keeps leaving dead
> SSH connections around, which actually caused the server to run out of file
> handles, reporting (too many open files).
> Is there something wrong with the script??
> Thanks in advance to anyone who can help, here's the script:
> ======================================================================
> #!/bin/csh -f
> set NPARAMS = 1
> if ($#argv != $NPARAMS) then
>         echo "Usage: $0 <list of automount hosts>"
>         exit 1
> endif
> set HOSTLIST = $1
> shift
> set P1 = $1
> set P2 = $2
> set FILENAME=/project2/remote/automountresults`date "+%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`.txt
> echo Automount auto.rmt results > $FILENAME
> foreach host (`cat $HOSTLIST`)
>         echo $host
>         echo $host >> $FILENAME
>         /usr/bin/scp /project2/remote/auto.rmt $host":/tmp/"
>         /usr/bin/scp /project2/remote/automountconfig $host":/tmp/"
>         /usr/bin/ssh root@$host /tmp/automountconfig >> $FILENAME
> end
> ======================================================================
> Thanks,
> Hobbs.

I am not too familiar with csh, but it appears to be fine.
Are you using a key based authentication that works for the user that the 
script runs under? You could test by trying the scp line from the command 
How is roots password provided (or is it key?)
Is root allowed to access the remote systems via ssh?
Pete Nesbitt, rhce

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