OOT - Postfix relay_domains and tranport

Cowles, Steve steve at stevecowles.com
Wed Jul 28 11:25:40 UTC 2004

Budi Febrianto wrote:
> If I have domain xyz.com.
> the postfix server is smtp.xyz.com and the internal mail server
> is mail.xyz.com. will the transport
>   xyz.com    smtp:mail.xyz.com
> still works?
> because i'm affraid that because it have the same domain, the
> email will not be forwarded to mail.xyz.com.

Based on your description, your transport map entry looks correct. In fact,
I frontend an exchange server with postfix and the format of my transport
map entry is the same as yours. If I take my exchange server down for
maintainence, all inbound e-mail is simply queued by postfix. The sending
system is not notified.

Steve Cowles

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