dhcpd server - Can't bind to dhcp address. Address already in use

Rodolfo J. Paiz rpaiz at simpaticus.com
Sun Jun 20 04:28:10 UTC 2004

At 18:03 6/19/2004, Grey Kuyper wrote:
>The "entire" dhcpd.conf is nothing but comments (#) ecxept for the lines 
>shown. There is no further information available in the dhcpd.conf file.

But your posted segment had an *empty* subnet declaration. That's not going 
to work! The following is a rather minimalist /etc/dhcpd.conf from memory:

# Global variables
option domain-name "domain.com";
option domain-name-servers,;
option routers;
option ntp-servers;
option time-offset -21600;
max-lease-time 86400;
default-lease-time 86400;
allow unknown-clients;
deny bootp;
ddns-update-style none;

# Subnet declaration
subnet netmask {


Is this similar to what you have?

>cat /etc/sysconfig/dhcp   give "No such file or directory".

You need to check more carefully! In this case I had a typo... but rather 
than just typing the command blindly you should look for /etc/sysconfig/dh* 
and you would likely have seen two files: dhcpd and dhcrelay. My 
/etc/sysconfig/dhcpd shows:

# Command line options here
DHCPDARGS="eth1 eth2"

The interfaces listed are those to which the dhcp server should listen and 
respond. Every subnet on every interface where dhcpd is listening must be 
configured in dhcpd.conf. If no addresses are to be assigned on a given 
interface, but for some reason dhcpd *is* listening on that interface, then 
add the subnet block with *without* a range statement.

>That is what is so weird. This is an "out of the box install". Nothing 
>fancy, nothing strange. Works on the laptop, fails on the server.

How could it possibly be "out of the box" if you got it from ISC? They 
don't supply Red Hat-standard RPM packages, do they?

If it fails, what is the complete output of "netstat -leanp" and what does 
the log in /var/log/messages show when you start up the dhcpd server?


Rodolfo J. Paiz
rpaiz at simpaticus.com

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