Memory load

Ignacio Gómez igomezu at
Thu Jun 2 20:09:35 UTC 2005

I want to know how Linux manages the Memory. My server has 2gb of Ram
Memory.  I see that my server always loads more than  2 GB is this
when my server is idle is the same. 


122 processes: 117 sleeping, 5 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU0 states:  25,3% user  35,2% system    0,0% nice   0,0% iowait  38,4% idle
CPU1 states:  20,0% user  20,4% system    0,0% nice   0,0% iowait  58,4% idle
CPU2 states:  38,2% user  37,0% system    0,0% nice   0,0% iowait  24,2% idle
CPU3 states:  26,1% user  35,0% system    0,0% nice   0,0% iowait  38,3% idle
Mem:  2064344k av, 2052392k used,   11952k free,       0k shrd,  119336k buff
                   1597184k actv,   68248k in_d,   45416k in_c
Swap: 2048216k av,   64060k used, 1984156k free                 1754336k cached


Ignacio Gomez
Bogota Colombia
Unisys Colombia

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