Apache and SSL

Jason Dixon jason at dixongroup.net
Sun Jun 5 15:12:56 UTC 2005

On Jun 5, 2005, at 10:32 AM, Darryl W. DeLao Jr. wrote:

> There has to be a way to put in at least 1 SSL virtualhost among many
> non SSL virtual hosts.  I have read that it can be done, but once I do
> it, it prevents all the non-sll hosts from being accessible.  However,
> I can hit one of the non-ssl hosts by name, but I get a certificate
> warning and then it takes me to the SSL host.  Unfortunately, I dont
> have any other machine that I can put this on, so that it is by
> itself.  Therefore, there has to be some kind of way to make this
> work.  Would posting my config help?


Jason Dixon
DixonGroup Consulting

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