wtmp and who problem

Jonathan Chen jonachen at cisco.com
Mon Jun 13 16:37:48 UTC 2005

Hello All,
I have a problem of wtmp showing the wrong information.   When typing 'w' I
would get 
14:03:33  up 305 days,  1:00,  6 users,  load average: 1.00, 1.00, 1.00
on the server.   It says 6 users on the server when actually its only 1  on
it  at the current time.
If I type 'who' it would show the other 5 users and I do not know how to
correct it to say '1 user' instead of 6.
I know the 'who' command uses the wtmp file and how would I correct wtmp's
I am also wondering if its caused by not killing a ssh session incorrectly?
I only use kill with no other options. 

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