Memory Fragmentation and buddyinfo

H. Walls hcir.walls at
Wed Apr 16 19:46:24 UTC 2008

Here's an example of output from my /proc/buddyinfo:
Node 0, zone      DMA     66     80     25     22      6      2      0
0      2      1      1
Node 0, zone   Normal   9374   2257   1609    340     12      0      0
1      0      0      1
Node 0, zone  HighMem      0      4      8     12      4      5      1
0      0      0      0

I understand the algorithm but I can't seem to find a definitive explanation
on how memory fragmentation can affect my server, what values in buddyinfo I
should be concerned about, or what can be done if I do experience excessive
memory fragmentation.  Thanks.

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