Who is deleting the file

Jonathan S Billings jsbillin at umich.edu
Thu Mar 31 18:45:14 UTC 2011

On 03/31/2011 08:55 AM, Abhilash abhi wrote:
> I have one directory which contains some files..and the directory is owned
> by some group called X. All files within the directory have group membership
> X since SGID is set .some files are frequently missing from that directory
> and i am restoring it through snapshots(Netapp filer). Is there anyway to
> find out who is (which user) or by what operation deleted the file??

This can be fairly easily done with SELinux.

First, make sure selinux is enabled and auditd is running.  Then, start
monitoring the directory with 'auditctl'.  Example, assuming the
directory is /tmp/testing (this starts auditing writes to the directory,
and labels it with the key "whodeletedit"):

# auditctl -w /tmp/testing -k whodeletedit -p w

when you're done monitoring it, you can remove this search with:

# auditctl -W /tmp/testing -k whodeletedit -p w

You will want to stop monitoring it once you've figured it out, because
it'll continue to fill the audit log for every time someone adds or
removes a file from the directory.

If you want to see who deleted files with /bin/rm in that directory, run:
# ausearch -i -k whodeletedit -x /bin/rm

This will print out the audit log for every /bin/rm in called that
writes to the directory.  I added the -i to ausearch so it'll print out
the username instead of the userid.  You can get rid of the -x /bin/rm
if no one is running /bin/rm but using some other program that unlinks

Jonathan Billings <jsbillin at umich.edu>
College of Engineering - CAEN - Unix and Linux Support

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