[redhat-lspp] sysadm vs. secadm powers

Klaus Heinrich Kiwi klausk at br.ibm.com
Thu Feb 8 00:45:41 UTC 2007

Now that sysadm_r/sysadm_t has supehuman powers, I just wanted to confirm if
the following is expected and in conformance with the ToE:

role/type       |      read     |    write to   |      run      | start/stop
                |   auditd.log  |   auditd.log  |    auditctl   | auditd
sysadm          |       yes     |       yes     |       no      | yes
secadm          |       yes     |       *no*    |       no      | no
auditadm        |       *no*    |       no      |       yes     | *yes*



:klaus h kiwi <klausk at br.ibm.com>:.

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