Simpel perl code makes kernel panic

Carl Boberg Carl.Boberg at
Sat Jan 29 09:31:44 UTC 2005

This is a confusing/weird problem.
Following is a simple piece of perl code that causes my system (RHAS 3.0) kernel panic everytime it is run with cron!
When I run it manually as root everything runs as it should and no panic....
The system is running MailScanner and acts as a mail gateway and this code is part of a stats program called Vispan.
Ive told this to the guy developing it but he seems to hav no idea why this happens and may others run it whitout this problem.
The system is U4 and has only rpms installed except for these two programs and ClamAV.
Just wonderng if anyone on this list is a perlguru and have intimate knowledge of RH systems and might have a look:-)
Here is the code which only task is to print the footer of the html pages for the Vispan stats:

#sub PrintEnd {
#   local($handle) = @_;
#   my $line;
#   my $Footer = Config::Value(Footer);
#   if(open(FOOTER,$Footer)) {
#      @footer=<FOOTER>;
#      close(FOOTER);
#      foreach $line (@footer) {
#         print $handle $line;
#         }
#      }
#   print $handle "<hr/><p>";
#   if( $Footer eq "" ) {
#      print $handle <<"(END VAL)";
#         <a href=""><img
#          src=""
#          alt="Valid XHTML 1.0!" height="31" width="88" /></a>
#      }
#   print $handle <<"(END HTML)";
#Produced by <a class="footer" href="">
#Vispan V$main::VERSION</a> \© 2002-2004</p>

Carl Boberg 
System & Network Administrator 
Swedish Museum of Naturalhistory 
Frescativägen 40 
104 05 Stockholm 
Tel nr: 08-5195 5116 
Mobile: 0701-82 4055 
E-mail: carl.boberg at 

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