yum update best practices

Doug Weimer dougw at sdsc.edu
Sat Mar 8 19:46:21 UTC 2008

On Sat, 08 Mar 2008, Jason Edgecombe wrote:

> I'm currently using cfengine on RHEL5 with a nightly yum update for two 
> machine configs for a total of 40 machines. I use a private yum repo 
> that I manually sync with upstream after some testing. I would recommend 
> excluding the kernel updates and having those be triggered manually or 
> explicitly using cfengine. So far, I'm manually triggering kernel 
> updates. I use openafs and vmware-server so I have some kernel-dependent 
> rpms that must be kept on sync. My biggest problem is that I need to 
> move to some way of locking some machines to certain versions of rpms. 
> That would make it easier to roll out updates to my workstations before 
> I push the updates to the servers.

Take a look at the cfengine packages action. It has rpm support and
allows you to match against specific package versions.


It's not extremely fast when testing hundreds of packages, so you may
still want to restrict the version checks to non-interactive or nightly runs.



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