[rhn-satellite-beta-users] rhnpush fails on directories called 'rpm'

Borsboom, Erick e.borsboom at dji.minjus.nl
Tue Apr 17 13:22:39 UTC 2007

Dear list,

Rhnpush fails if a directory called 'rpm' exists within the supplied
It fails because check_package_exists() in
/usr/share/rhn/rhnpush/rhnpush.py tries to open() the 'rpm' directory
and recieves an IOError.
This issue could be fixed with an if S_ISDIR statement somewhere in the
code to exclude directories and only process .rpm regular files, but i'm
not sure if that will break functionality that i'm not using in my



[root at rhnss rhnpush]# ls -la /tmp/
total 3080
drwxrwxrwt   3 root   root    4096 Apr 17 13:43 .
drwxr-xr-x  25 root   root    4096 Apr 17 09:39 ..
drwxrwxrwt   2 root   root    4096 Apr 17 08:31 .ICE-unix
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root   root 3125693 Apr 17 13:30 pine-4.64-1.i386.rpm
-rw-r--r--   1 apache root       0 Apr 17 08:34 rhnccrewrite.lock
[root at rhnss rhnpush]# rhnpush --dir /tmp --username test --password test
--server -c xtra-test --nosig -vvv --force
Uploading files from directory /tmp
Connecting to
url is
Result codes: 200 OK
Computing md5sum and package Info .This may take sometime ...
Uploading package /tmp/pine-4.64-1.i386.rpm
Using POST request

[root at rhnss rhnpush]# mkdir /tmp/rpm

[root at rhnss rhnpush]# rhnpush --dir /tmp --username test --password test
--server -c xtra-test --nosig -vvv --force
Uploading files from directory /tmp
Connecting to
url is
Result codes: 200 OK
Computing md5sum and package Info .This may take sometime ...
ERROR: /tmp/rpm: No such file or directory available
[root at rhnss rhnpush]# 

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