[Spacewalk-list] Proxy Server /cobbler_api Requests Timing Out

Jon Miller jonebird at gmail.com
Sat May 16 17:44:48 UTC 2015

Jon Miller writes:

> Would anyone like to help me rule in or out my Spacewalk setup as functional
> or not? Just copy the attached script and run it with the name of your
> Spacewalk server as the argument like:
> ./koan_test.sh spacewalk.example.com
> It is designed to send requests to Spacewalk as it would have seen from a
> client via a Proxy server. It issues two cobbler methods: ping &
> get_systems. If your system is like mine, the ping will work but the
> get_systems request will hang indefinitely. 

I "fixed" my issue via an addition of using mod_substitute in the
cobbler-proxy.conf Apache config on my proxy.

Since I was able to get the proxy functional by removing the "/download/"
portion of the ProxyPass directives, therefore making it work like an
internal, non-proxied request, the only piece left not working was the server
names being reported back in responses. I then found mod_substitute and added
a simple directive to handle the dynamic rewriting of the responses for my
DMZ clients.

Here is what my cobbler-proxy.conf now looks like:
  ProxyPass /cobbler_api https://spacewalk.example.com/cobbler_api
  ProxyPassReverse /cobbler_api https://spacewalk.example.com/cobbler_api
  #RewriteRule ^/cblr/svc/op/ks/(.*)$ /download/$0 [P,L]
  ProxyPass /cblr https://spacewalk.example.com/cblr
  ProxyPassReverse /cblr https://spacewalk.example.com/cblr
  ProxyPass /cobbler https://spacewalk.example.com/cobbler
  ProxyPassReverse /cobbler https://spacewalk.example.com/cobbler
  <Location "/">
      AddOutputFilterByType SUBSTITUTE text/plain
      Substitute "s|spacewalk.example.com|spacewalk-dmz.example.com|n"

Note: The main changes were to the first 3 lines and then the addition of the
Location stanza at the end.
- First two lines had the "/download/" part of the URL removed.
- Third line commented out.

Seems to be all working now. Through further testing, I imagine I may only
need an additional AddOutputFilterByType statement to cover other

Jon Miller

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