[Spacewalk-list] pushing updates via osa

Neil Watson neil at watson-wilson.ca
Wed Nov 11 16:47:46 UTC 2015

On Wed, Nov e1, 2015 at 04:33:11PM +0000, Olly Mason wrote:
>osa-dispatcher.debug = 5

Now I see this:

2015/11/11 11:43:39 -04:00 27453
rhnSQL/driver_postgresql._execute_wrapper('Executing SQL: "\n
select a.id, sa.server_id, pc.jabber_id,\n
date_diff_in_days(current_timestamp, earliest_action) * 86400 delta\n
from\n               rhnServerAction sa,\n               rhnAction a,\n
rhnPushClient pc\n         where pc.server_id = sa.server_id\n
and sa.action_id = a.id\n           and sa.status in (0, 1) -- Queued or
picked up\n           and not exists (\n               -- This is like
saying \'this action has no\n               -- prerequisite or has a
prerequisite that has completed\n               -- (status = 2)\n
select 1\n                 from rhnServerAction sap\n
where sap.server_id = sa.server_id\n                  and sap.action_id
= a.prerequisite\n                  and sap.status != 2\n            )\n
order by earliest_action\n    " with bind params: {}',)

2015/11/11 11:43:39 -04:00 27453
rhnSQL/driver_postgresql._execute_wrapper('Executing SQL: "\n
select 1\n          from rhnServerAction sa\n          join rhnAction a
on sa.action_id = a.id\n          join rhnActionType at on a.action_type
= at.id\n         where sa.server_id = %(server_id)s\n           and
at.label = \'reboot.reboot\'\n           and sa.status = 1 -- Picked
Up\n    " with bind params: {server_id: 1000010007}',)
2015/11/11 11:43:39 -04:00 27453
osad-480a91f79c at pmanager.example.com/osad not available for

pmanager is the spacewalk server. The agent host is swtest. It's osad
log shows:

2015-11-11 11:42:46 jabber_lib._orig_dispatch: <presence to='osad-480a91f79c at pmanager.example.com/osad' from='rhn-dispatcher-sat at pmanager.example.com/superclient'><delay xmlns = 'urn:xmpp:delay'  stamp='2015-11-11T16:38:52Z' from='rhn-dispatcher-sat at pmanager.example.com/superclient' /></presence>
<-- <presence to='osad-480a91f79c at pmanager.example.com/osad' from='rhn-dispatcher-sat at pmanager.example.com/superclient'><delay xmlns = 'urn:xmpp:delay'  stamp='2015-11-11T16:38:52Z' from='rhn-dispatcher-sat at pmanager.example.com/superclient' /></presence>

2015-11-11 11:42:46 jabber_lib.dispatch: <presence to='osad-480a91f79c at pmanager.example.com/osad' from='rhn-dispatcher-sat at pmanager.example.com/superclient'><delay xmlns = 'urn:xmpp:delay'  stamp='2015-11-11T16:38:52Z' from='rhn-dispatcher-sat at pmanager.example.com/superclient' /></presence>

2015-11-11 11:42:46 jabber_lib._expire_callbacks_list: [[<bound method Client._roster_callback of <osad.osad_client.Client instance at 0x146bea8>>, None, None]] 1447260166.99

2015-11-11 11:42:46 jabber_lib._expire_callbacks_list: [[<bound method Client._presence_callback of <osad.osad_client.Client instance at 0x146bea8>>, None, None]] 1447260166.99

2015-11-11 11:42:46 jabber_lib._get_callbacks: <presence to='osad-480a91f79c at pmanager.example.com/osad' from='rhn-dispatcher-sat at pmanager.example.com/superclient'><delay xmlns = 'urn:xmpp:delay'  stamp='2015-11-11T16:38:52Z' from='rhn-dispatcher-sat at pmanager.example.com/superclient' /></presence>

2015-11-11 11:42:46 jabber_lib.dispatch: Calling callback <bound method Client._presence_callback of <osad.osad_client.Client instance at 0x146bea8>> <presence to='osad-480a91f79c at pmanager.example.com/osad' from='rhn-dispatcher-sat at pmanager.example.com/superclient'><delay xmlns = 'urn:xmpp:delay'  stamp='2015-11-11T16:38:52Z' from='rhn-dispatcher-sat at pmanager.example.com/superclient' /></presence>

2015-11-11 11:42:46 jabber_lib._presence_callback: osad-480a91f79c at pmanager.example.com/osad rhn-dispatcher-sat at pmanager.example.com/superclient None

2015-11-11 11:42:46 jabber_lib._presence_callback: Node is available rhn-dispatcher-sat at pmanager.example.com/superclient None

2015-11-11 11:42:46 jabber_lib.subscribe_to_presence: Subscribed to {'rhn-dispatcher-sat at pmanager.example.com': {'jid': 'rhn-dispatcher-sat at pmanager.example.com', 'subscription': u'to'}}
2015-11-11 11:42:47 jabber_lib.subscribe_to_presence: Subscribed both {}

2015-11-11 11:42:47 jabber_lib.subscribe_to_presence: Subscribed none {}
2015-11-11 11:42:47 jabber_lib.subscribe_to_presence: Subscribed from {}
2015-11-11 11:42:47 jabber_lib.subscribe_to_presence: Subscribed to
^C--> <presence type='unavailable' />

Neil Watson
Linux/UNIX Consultant

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