[Spacewalk-list] Internal server error changing kickstart script order

Brian Long briandlong at gmail.com
Mon Nov 27 19:53:24 UTC 2017

Ping.  Any ideas why reordering the kickstart scripts causes an internal
server error and how I might recover?

On Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 9:13 AM, Brian Long <briandlong at gmail.com> wrote:

> Running 2.7.  Add a new kickstart script (specifying a snippet), try to
> change order, get an internal server error.  catalina.out shows the
> following:
> 2017-11-21 08:50:35,755 [TP-Processor12] WARN  org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter
> - SQL Error: 0, SQLState: 23505
> 2017-11-21 08:50:35,756 [TP-Processor12] ERROR org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter
> - ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint
> "rhn_ksscript_ksid_pos_uq"
> 2017-11-21 08:50:35,760 [TP-Processor12] ERROR com.redhat.rhn.frontend.servlets.SessionFilter
> - Error during transaction. Rolling back
> org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: could not update:
> [com.redhat.rhn.domain.kickstart.KickstartScript#50]
> Ran spacewalk-sql -i to debug kickstart script ordering:
> rhnschema=# select * from RHNKICKSTARTSCRIPT where kickstart_id = 8;
> (snipped certain columns)
>  id  |       script_name        | kickstart_id | position | script_type |
> chroot | error_on_fail | raw_script | interpreter |
>  data
> -----+--------------------------+--------------+----------+-
> ------------+--------+---------------+------------+---------
> ----+---------------------------
>   48 | Import GPG Keys Pre      |            8 |        1 | pre         |
> Y      | N             | N          | /bin/bash   |
> $SNIPPET('spacewalk/2/import-gpg-keys-el7')
>   50 | Eject CD                 |            8 |        3 | post        |
> Y      | N             | Y          | /bin/bash   | eject\012
>   94 | Select install disk      |            8 |        4 | pre         |
> Y      | Y             | N          | /bin/bash   |
> $SNIPPET('spacewalk/2/select-install-disk')
>  120 | Install Packages         |            8 |        5 | post        |
> Y      | N             | N          | /bin/bash   |
> $SNIPPET('spacewalk/2/install-pkgs-rhel7')
>   99 | save-install-disk-config |            8 |        2 | post        |
> Y      | N             | N          | /bin/bash   |
> $SNIPPET('spacewalk/2/save-install-disk-config')
> Just added #120 and it defaulted to position 5.  If I move Eject CD below
> it and hit Submit, I get the traceback.  If I update #50 to position 8
> using SQL, it reorders properly.
> Here's a list of all my kickstart scripts and their positions, etc.
> rhnschema=# select id,script_name, kickstart_id,position,script_type from
> RHNKICKSTARTSCRIPT order by kickstart_id,position;
>  id  |          script_name           | kickstart_id | position |
> script_type
> -----+--------------------------------+--------------+------
> ----+-------------
>    9 | Fix Crontab                    |            2 |        1 | post
>    3 | Local Group Creation           |            2 |        2 | post
>    4 | User Home directory creation   |            2 |        3 | post
>    2 | Local User Account Creation    |            2 |        4 | post
>   73 | Import GPG Keys                |            2 |        5 | post
>   24 | Complete Installers PostScript |            2 |        8 | post
>   98 | Update RHEL                    |            2 |        9 | post
>   48 | Import GPG Keys Pre            |            8 |        1 | pre
>   99 | save-install-disk-config       |            8 |        2 | post
>   94 | Select install disk            |            8 |        4 | pre
>  120 | Install Packages               |            8 |        5 | post
>   50 | Eject CD                       |            8 |        8 | post
>  101 | Import GPG Keys Pre            |           17 |        1 | pre
>  102 | save-install-disk-config       |           17 |        2 | post
>  103 | Select install disk            |           17 |        4 | pre
>  121 | Install Packages               |           17 |        5 | post
>  100 | Eject CD                       |           17 |        8 | post
>  104 | Import GPG Keys Pre            |           18 |        1 | pre
>  105 | save-install-disk-config       |           18 |        2 | post
>  106 | Select install disk            |           18 |        4 | pre
>  122 | Install Packages               |           18 |        5 | post
>  107 | Eject CD                       |           18 |        8 | post
>  108 | Import GPG Keys Pre            |           19 |        1 | pre
>  111 | save-install-disk-config       |           19 |        2 | post
>  110 | Select install disk            |           19 |        4 | pre
>  123 | Install Packages               |           19 |        5 | post
>  109 | Eject CD                       |           19 |        8 | post
> And here is the current table description:
> rhnschema=# \d RHNKICKSTARTSCRIPT;
>                     Table "public.rhnkickstartscript"
>     Column     |           Type           |          Modifiers
> ---------------+--------------------------+------------------------------
>  id            | numeric                  | not null
>  script_name   | character varying(40)    |
>  kickstart_id  | numeric                  | not null
>  position      | numeric                  | not null
>  script_type   | character varying(4)     | not null
>  chroot        | character(1)             | not null default 'Y'::bpchar
>  error_on_fail | character(1)             | not null default 'N'::bpchar
>  raw_script    | character(1)             | not null default 'Y'::bpchar
>  interpreter   | character varying(80)    |
>  data          | bytea                    |
>  created       | timestamp with time zone | not null default now()
>  modified      | timestamp with time zone | not null default now()
> Indexes:
>     "rhn_ksscript_id_pk" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
>     "rhn_ksscript_ksid_pos_uq" UNIQUE, btree (kickstart_id, "position")
>     "rhn_ksscript_id_idx" btree (id)
>     "rhn_ksscript_ksid_pos_idx" btree (kickstart_id, "position")
> Check constraints:
>     "rhn_ksscript_chroot_ck" CHECK (chroot = ANY (ARRAY['Y'::bpchar,
> 'N'::bpchar]))
>     "rhn_ksscript_erroronfail_ck" CHECK (error_on_fail = ANY
> (ARRAY['Y'::bpchar, 'N'::bpchar]))
>     "rhn_ksscript_rawscript_ck" CHECK (raw_script = ANY
> (ARRAY['Y'::bpchar, 'N'::bpchar]))
>     "rhn_ksscript_st_ck" CHECK (script_type::text = ANY
> (ARRAY['pre'::character varying, 'post'::character varying]::text[]))
>     "vn_rhnkickstartscript_interpreter" CHECK (interpreter::text <>
> ''::text)
>     "vn_rhnkickstartscript_script_name" CHECK (script_name::text <>
> ''::text)
>     "vn_rhnkickstartscript_script_type" CHECK (script_type::text <>
> ''::text)
> Foreign-key constraints:
>     "rhn_ksscript_ksid_fk" FOREIGN KEY (kickstart_id) REFERENCES
> rhnksdata(id) ON DELETE CASCADE
> Triggers:
>     rhn_ksscript_mod_trig BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON rhnkickstartscript
> FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE rhn_ksscript_mod_trig_fun()
> Any ideas what might be wrong with my setup?
> Thank you.
> /Brian/
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