AW: AW: debugging TUX

Max Helmet max at
Wed Aug 24 08:34:49 UTC 2005

> Mayuran Yogarajah:
> > Ok I've done this and am now seeing messages through /proc/kmsg.  
> > Unfortunately
> > I have no idea how to interpret any of this 

William Lovaton:
> We may be able to help you identify which rule is not met, please post
> that single request that is being ignored by tux.  For instance it could
> be that the request is for the user module of apache. Eg:
>    http://server/~mayuran/somefile.html

Besides this, you could provide us with the kernel messages that are printed 
out by tux:
3) Save kernel messages:
   cat /proc/kmsg > tux_debug_log.txt
4) Open a second terminal session and request the page in question:
   wget -S --spider http://localhost/page.html
5) Press CTRL-C in your first terminal
6) Paste contents of tux_debug_log.txt into your mail.


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