[virt-tools-list] libosinfo - another try

Arjun Roy arroy at redhat.com
Thu Oct 22 09:47:04 UTC 2009

Hi all,

I know there's been some discussion in months past for replacing the OS metadata
currently stored as a python dict in virtinst, so it can be used by various
virt applications.

I refer to Cole Robinson's initial draft of an API called libosinfo linked here:


While there was a significant amount of discussion on it, there doesn't seem to
be any progress made on the front so I thought I'd present a refined API for

Unlike Cole, I haven't done any implementation or figured out any implementation
details at all. I'm just throwing some ideas out there, based on what the
previous discussion came up with:

The basic idea would be as follows:

1. All the data stored right now as a python dict would be replaced with a
collection of xml (or any other kind of markup that works) file encoding the
same data.
2. The data would *not* contain a fixed hierarchy - ie. we wouldn't have a tag
for vendor followed by a tag for distro, etc. Instead, the data would consist of
a flat set of distros, with several properties such as vendor or version (etc.)
that would allow an application using the API to impose any arbitrary sort of
hierarchy on the data.

What follows is my take on what form the API and data representation scheme
could look like:


Data Representation Schema

The primary storage record would be the <distro>. It would consist of a required
ID, and one or more optional attributes.

There would be two kinds of attributes:

1. Structure Attributes

These attributes would encode possible relationships between distros. Proposed
attributes would be:

So one could have the following:
<distro ID=1>
  <name>Fedora 10</name>

<distro ID=2>
  <name>Fedora 11</name>
  <upgrades ID=1 />

This would effectively force our view of the data as a graph, where the set of
nodes are the set of distros and the edges are described by the structure
attribute tags. (With a different graph resulting depending on attribute)

2. Informative Attributes
This could refer to things such as name, kernel-type, architecture, or anything
else that would be useful to track. I suspect that it would be alright to limit
the kind of data to strings (kernel : linux) and version numbers 
(kernel-version: 2.6.30).

In other words, we'd end up with a schema like this:
<distro ID=2>
  <upgrades ID=1 />
  <name type=str>Fedora 11</name>
  <kernel type=str>linux</kernel>
  <kernel-version type=ver>2.6.30</kernel-version>



The library would be implemented in C, and define a few major types:

osi_lib_t : an opaque handle to a library instance.
osi_distro_t : represents a distro object.
osi_distro_id_t : represents the unique ID for a distro.
osi_distro_list_t : a list of osi_distro_t objects.
osi_filter_t: filter for searching through distros.

And a bunch of methods:

osi_lib_t osi_getLibHandle();

/* Setting parameters like libvirt version, etc. */
int osi_setLibParam(osi_lib_t lib, cstring key, cstring val);
int osi_getLibParam(osi_lib_t lib, cstring key);

/* Initializing and closing down the library */
int osi_initLib(osi_lib_t lib);
int osi_closeLib(osi_lib_t lib);

/* Querying for distros and iterating over them */
osi_distro_list_t osi_getDistrosList(osi_lib_t lib, osi_distro_filter_t filter);
int osi_putDistrosList(osi_distro_list_t distros);
int osi_distroListLength(osi_distro_list_t distros);

/* Methods for filtering results when querying distros */
osi_filter_t osi_getFilter(osi_lib_t lib);
int osi_putFilter(osi_filter_t filter);
int osi_addStringPropertyConstraint(osi_filter_t filter, cstring propName, cstring propVal);
int osi_addVersionPropertyConstraint(osi_filter_t filter, cstring propName, cstring propVal, enum_t ordering);
int osi_addLinkedDistroConstraint(osi_filter_t filter, enum_t relationship, os_distro_t distro);
int osi_clearStringPropertyConstraint(osi_filter_t filter, cstring propName);
int osi_clearVersionPropertyConstraint(osi_filter_t filter, cstring propName);
int osi_clearLinkedDistroConstraint(osi_filter_t filter, enum_t relationship);
int osi_clearAllConstraints(osi_filter_t filter);

/* Get a single distro, either from a list or by ID */
osi_distro_t osi_getDistroByIndex(osi_distro_list_t distros, int index);
osi_distro_t osi_getDistroById(osi_lib_t lib, osi_distro_id_t id);

/* Query Properties for a given distro */
osi_distro_id_t osi_getDistroId(osi_distro_t distro);
osi_distro_t osi_getLinkedDistro(osi_distro_t distro, enum_t relationship);
cstring osi_getStringProperty(osi_distro_t distro, cstring propName);
cstring osi_getVersionProperty(osi_distro_t distro, cstring propName);
cstring** osi_getAllStringProperties(osi_distro_t distro);
cstring** osi_getAllVersionProperties(osi_distro_t distro);

/* Query unique values for a given property */
cstring *osi_uniqueStringPropertyValues(osi_lib_t lib, cstring propName);
cstring *osi_uniqueVersionPropertyValues(osi_lib_t lib, cstring propName);
os_distro_list_t osi_uniqueLinkedDistroValues(osi_lib_t lib, enum_t relationship);

The general usage is as follows. 
-We get a library handle, set some parameters like libvirt version and 
hypervisor type, and initialize it. 
-We can then get a filter object, configure it to search for all distros with a 
'linux' kernel attribute that have kernel version < 2.6.30 that derive from 
RHEL 5.4.
-Then we can query other properties, such as the preferred audio
driver (the answer for which might change based on the hypervisor we specified
at library init, for example).
-Then we can query the unique values for the property 'Vendor' to get a list of 
strings representing vendor names. 
-Or, we could query unique values for the relationship property DERIVES_FROM to
get a list of distros that are derived by at least one other distro.
-At some point we're done looking up data and close the library handle.

I look forward to any feedback.

-Arjun Roy

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