[virt-tools-list] vm fails to boot, need to modify guest registry

Kenny Armstrong karmstrong at gmx.us
Mon Aug 22 14:15:36 UTC 2011

I have two Windows 2003 VM's that have somehow had their two drive 
letters switched.  They are both running on two separate hosts, the only 
other commonality between them is that they are on the same domain.

Each vm has two disks, a C: drive disk and a D: drive disk image.  
However, Windows somehow borked the two and now either one won't boot.  
What appears to have happened is that the D: drive and C: drive have 
swapped places, so Windows seems to think it needs to boot from D: 
instead on both devices.

I'm thinking of using virt-win-reg to try and modify the 
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\MountedDevices and swap the drive letter 
mappings back and then boot the vm's up again to see if it fixes it.  I 
have already created a copy of the disk image file in case I screw this 
up.  What I need is help on the syntax for the actual command.



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