[virt-tools-list] Problem on Window close event

Cole Robinson crobinso at redhat.com
Tue Mar 26 21:30:52 UTC 2013

On 03/26/2013 03:45 PM, sandeep krishnamurthy wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have created a custom UI to manage affinity rules.
> I have successfully integrated with "vm manager" window.
> But I have following issues:
> 1. After closing the window by click on "x (close) button", If i launch it
> again, No widgets are rendered. A blank window opens up.

Verify that close() is actually being called when X is clicked. If it is, then
self.destroy() is likely the culprit, we don't do that anywhere else in

> 2. After closing window using "Close()" method, again if I open up the window,
> all previously entered details in text entry and widgets are persisted. But I
> need to reload all data. How to achieve it?

You either have to recreate a new window every time it is launched, or add a
method that resets the state of all the UI widgets. 'git grep reset_state' for
examples in virt-manager

- Cole

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