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Fifteen months after its release, “The Open Organization,” the best-selling management book from Red Hat President and CEO Jim Whitehurst, is being translated. Originally released in English in June 2015, “The Open Organization” is set to be released in three new languages this fall:

  • Japanese (Sept. 20, 2016);
  • Chinese (Oct. 10, 2016); and
  • Italian (Nov. 3, 2016).

“The Open Organization” comes at a time when businesses around the world are recognizing that managing and organizing with a top-down, command and control approach is coming to an end. In our fast-moving world, businesses are looking for opportunities to be more creative and agile. They need workers who can proactively problem-solve and devise inventive solutions to challenges. Workers, in turn, have an increased expectation for transparency and collaboration.

In “The Open Organization,” Whitehurst implores businesses to move away from the traditional management models of the 20th century, and embrace an open organization model. This model, adopted by Red Hat, grew from the tenets of open source software, which values collaboration, meritocracy, openness, and transparency.

Since its release, “The Open Organization” has sold more than 42,000 copies, and was named by Forbes as one of the most creative leadership books of 2015.

We’re thrilled to see continued momentum for “The Open Organization” by way of the Japanese, Chinese and Italian translations. If you are interested in learning more about the book, read Whitehurst’s perspective on why he wrote “The Open Organization”: www.redhat.com/en/about/blog/why-i-wrote-open-organization or visit www.theopenorganizationbook.com.

Über den Autor

Red Hat is the world’s leading provider of enterprise open source solutions, using a community-powered approach to deliver high-performing Linux, cloud, container, and Kubernetes technologies.

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