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By E.G. Nadhan, Chief Technology Strategist, Red Hat

As businesses are increasingly being asked to cope with burgeoning amounts of valuable data, there’s a data explosion in the enterprise. This explosion fuels the need for a new approach to storage, which is the underlying theme of Mark Thiele's article, 400 million new servers needed by 2020 -- Think different or lose. “You aren't ready to scale the way you're going to need to scale,” he contends, noting that data sources are projected to reach 30 to 50 million by 2020. In his article, Are 18-month org charts and constant training the new reality of IT?, Curt Carver agrees, saying, “To plan for an IT future, you’ve got to be agile….”

So the drumbeat is growing louder: Digital enterprises need storage solutions that are agile and continuously evolving to accommodate dynamically changing requirements.

What’s an enterprising business to do?

To meet contemporary storage challenges head on, digital enterprises of the future should embrace open source and all it enables. To that end, Red Hat GM for Cloud Product Strategy, Bryan Che, penned an article titled, Open source is programming the digital future, noting that innovative companies like Uber and Facebook have embraced a digital approach to help ensure their long-term viability. Che’s article highlights the role of open source in this evolution as it contributes to the creation of new categories of functionality across enabling technologies.

Get to a Red Hat Storage Day!

So how do you get in on the action--and help position your storage solutions to meet the ever-changing, demanding needs of today’s IT infrastructures? Get to a Red Hat Storage Day!

Bloomberg Storage Day NYC 01.16

Bloomberg shared their insights at Red Hat Storage Day New York City in January 2016.

Designed as educational events in the full Red Hat Storage portfolio, Red Hat Storage Days give you an opportunity to both learn about innovative open source storage solutions firsthand and interface with some of the industry’s storage experts, as well as some of Red Hat’s partner companies.

Red Hat Storage solutions offer a variety of features to help you develop the storage solution you need. Following are a few:

  • Red Hat Storage embraces the fundamentals of software-defined storage.
  • Our solutions are highly scalable and provisioned in a self-healing, self-managing platform with no single point of failure.
  • We design our storage solutions to make it easier for you to migrate to the cloud by deploying across traditional, physical hardware or its virtualized simulation in the public or private cloud. Our goal is for your migration to be transparent to internal and external customers.
  • Red Hat Storage allows you to more efficiently store and manage incredibly large volumes of big, unstructured, and semistructured data in the cloud so you can focus on the timely availability of your data.

Register today!

So if your business--and its data--would benefit from this kind of storage insight, sign up today for our next Red Hat Storage Day: Red Hat Storage Day Minneapolis on Tuesday, April 12, 2016. Register here.

And if you can’t make that? No worries! We’re planning more Red Hat Storage Days all the time. You can also check out what’s coming to Yahoo headquarters on Wednesday, March 30: the next Ceph Day! Register here for Ceph Day Sunnyvale, the latest in a string of events designed to share Ceph’s transformative power and help foster the vibrant Ceph community.

Looking forward to seeing you at a Red Hat Storage event soon!

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