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We’re pleased to announce that Fedora 22, the latest version of the Fedora operating system, is now available in beta. A free, Linux-based operating system developed and maintained by the Fedora Project’s global community, Fedora 22 continues to follow the path of the Fedora.next initiative delivering three distinct editions of Fedora 22: Fedora 22 Cloud Beta, Fedora 22 Server Beta and Fedora 22 Workstation Beta.


While each edition addresses a specific set of use cases, all are built from a base set of packages that includes the Linux kernel, RPM, systemd, and Anaconda. All editions of Fedora 22 Beta include an updated package manager for RPM-based Linux distributions called “DNF.” Desktop and workstation

users who use the Software tool to manage their applications will see no difference, except better performance behind the scenes in managing updates. Fedora users who manage applications using the command line will note that DNF is faster while still keeping CLI compatibility with Yum for most tasks.


So what else is new in Fedora 22 Beta?


Fedora 22 Cloud Beta

Building on the work of Fedora 21 Cloud, Fedora 22 Cloud Beta brings in a number of improvements that makes Fedora 22 an excellent choice for running Linux in a cloud computing environment. New in Fedora 22 Cloud Beta are:

  • The latest versions of rpm-ostree and rpm-ostree-toolbox, the latter of which can be used to generate Atomic hosts from a custom set of packages

  • A Vagrant image for Fedora 22 Atomic Host; Vagrant boxes will work with both KVM and VirtualBox, enabling Fedora users to easily consume Vagrant images on Fedora, Mac OS X and Windows through the appropriate mechanism.

  • The addition of the Atomic command to provide a single entry point for managing Atomic Host updates and container management.


Fedora 22 Server Beta

As a flexible backbone for a variety of working environments, we’ve added several improvements and new features to Fedora 22 Server Beta, including:

  • The Database Server Role, which builds on Fedora 21’s introduction of Rolekit, a Linux daemon that provides a stable D-Bus interface to manage the deployment of server roles, based on PostgreSQL

  • Updates to the Cockpit web-based management application, including new features and a modular design for adding new functionality


Fedora 22 Workstation Beta

As with all of our Fedora releases, we aim to make life better for desktop users with several enhancements and upgrades for Fedora 22 Workstation Beta, from usability to the appearance and user interface (UI).

  • GNOME now provides better notifications to users about system events.

  • A step towards replacing X with Wayland, as the login screen now uses Wayland

  • The Automatic Bug Reporting Tool (ABRT) now features better notifications and gives users additional control over the information sent via the GNOME privacy control panel

  • The libinput library is now used for both X11 and Wayland for consistent input device handling.


Interested in testing out one or all of the newest Fedora 22 Beta editions? Check them out at:


As always, the Fedora Project team wants to hear from you – let us know about any bugs or problems that you encounter, as your feedback will only help us improve Fedora 22. Common issues can be found on the Fedora 22 common bugs page (please read this on how to effectively report bugs).


If you are interested in being more deeply involved with Fedora, we want you on our team! You can contribute to the Fedora Project in many ways other than bug reporting – the Fedora Project is always looking for translators, testers, content creators, marketers, designers and so much more. Whatever your skill set, we would love to have you involved – find out more at http://whatcanidoforfedora.org/.


The Fedora Project is a Red Hat-sponsored community project. For more information about Fedora, please visit the Fedora Project homepage.


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