The Friday Five is a weekly Red Hat® blog post with 5 of the week's top news items and ideas from or about Red Hat and the technology industry. Consider it your weekly digest of things that caught our eye.

Red Hat welcomes Oracle to the oVirt community
On behalf of the oVirt community, its contributors and Red Hat, we welcome Oracle to the oVirt community, the open source component that enables management of the Linux Kernel Virtual Machine (KVM), the hypervisor for virtualized environments running on the Linux kernel. .

ITWorld - How a service mesh helps manage distributed microservices
Containerized architectures can be easy to scale up and run in the cloud, while indvidual microservices can be quickly rolled out and iterated. But communicating among these microservices can be incredibly complex. Enter service mesh.

Red Hat Takes Home a Trio of CODiE Awards
It was a big awards night for Red Hat at the 2019 SIIA CODiE Awards, with three of our products winning their respective categories: Red Hat 3scale API Management, Red Hat OpenStack Platform and Red Hat OpenShift.

iTWire - RHEL 8: 'the foundation for digital transformation'
Red Hat's Brendan Paget weighs in on the next-generation of the world's leading enterprise Linux platform, from a common experience across clouds to a supported, distributed container toolkit.

Red Hat named HPE's Partner of the Year at HPE Discover 2019
For more than 19 years, Red Hat has collaborated with HPE to develop, deliver and support trusted solutions that can create value and fuel transformation for customers. As a testament to our collaboration, HPE has named Red Hat the Technology Partner of the Year 2019 for Hybrid Cloud Solutions.
Über den Autor
Red Hat is the world’s leading provider of enterprise open source solutions, using a community-powered approach to deliver high-performing Linux, cloud, container, and Kubernetes technologies.
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