The Friday Five is a weekly Red Hat® blog post with 5 of the week's top news items and ideas from or about Red Hat and the technology industry. Consider it your weekly digest of things that caught our eye.

Red Hat Positioned in the Visionaries Quadrant of Gartner’s 2017 Magic Quadrant for Distributed File Systems and Object Storage Two Years in a Row
Red Hat is the furthest to the right for completeness of vision and the highest in ability to execute of all vendors in the Visionary Quadrant. This is the second year in a row that Red Hat Storage has been placed in the Visionaries Quadrant.
SoftBank Corp., a Japanese multinational telecommunications and internet company, announced it is embracing a DevOps culture by adopting a slew of Red Hat open source technologies and services, including Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform and Red Hat Consulting.
Red Hat has been named to the first-ever Fortune Future 50 list. The newest ranking from Fortune is a forward-looking measure that ranks the 50 U.S.-listed companies Fortune believes to have the best prospects for growth.
The last time I spoke to Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehurst, in June 2016, he had set a pretty audacious goal for his company to achieve $5 billion in revenue. At the time, that seemed a bit far-fetched. But the company has continued to thrive and is on track to pass $3 billion in revenue some time in the next couple of quarters.
Ché Patterson writes about his experience helping solve a customer's technical issue and how Red Hat TAMs are a designated senior technical resource who are dedicated to helping organizations maximize their investment in Red Hat solutions. TAMs provide proactive advice and guidance to help identify and address potential problems before they occur.
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Red Hat is the world’s leading provider of enterprise open source solutions, using a community-powered approach to deliver high-performing Linux, cloud, container, and Kubernetes technologies.
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