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Today, we are pleased to announce the beta availability of Red Hat Developer Toolset 3.1, Red Hat’s selection of the latest, stable open source C and C++ compilers and complementary development tools. Bridging developer productivity and production stability, Red Hat Developer Toolset 3.1 Beta is available through the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Program and related subscriptions, and allows developers to compile applications once and deploy across multiple versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.


New additions and updates to Red Hat Developer Toolset 3.1 include:

  • GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) 4.9.2, the latest stable upstream version of GCC, which provides numerous improvements and bug fixes

  • Eclipse 4.4.1 with support for Java 8 and updated versions of Eclipse CDT (8.5), Eclipse Linux Tools (3.1), Eclipse Mylyn (3.14), and Eclipse Egit/Jgit (3.6.1)

  • Numerous additional updated packages, including GDB 7.8.2, elfutils 0.161, memstomp 0.1.5, SystemTap 2.6, Valgrind 3.10.1, Dyninst 8.2.1, and ltrace 0.7.91.


As with all versions of Red Hat Developer Toolset, Red Hat Developer Toolset 3.1 Beta allows for the creation of applications compatible with both Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 across physical, virtual and cloud environments, including OpenShift by Red Hat, our award-winning Platform-as-a-sService (PaaS) offering. For more information on Red Hat Developer Toolset 3.1 Beta, please visit https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Developer_Toolset/.

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