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For the past five years, in lieu of extravagant holiday parties in the U.S., Red Hat employees have selected a charity to support during the holiday season. While Red Hat does significant charitable work throughout the year, the holiday charity is special as Red Hat employees specifically nominate and vote on the winner. The votes are in and Red Hat employees have chosen to support Habitat for Humanity for their U.S. holiday corporate donation.  

More than 30 charities were nominated this season and with over 600 employees participating in the vote, Habitat for Humanity was selected as this year’s winner. As such, Red Hat will be donating a total of $75,000 to the nonprofit. In addition to the donation, Red Hatters have already participated in Habitat builds, either as individual volunteers or with their colleagues, throughout the year. While Red Hat’s corporate donation this holiday will go to Habitat for Humanity, Red Hat also matches contributions U.S. employees make to eligible charities through their matching gifts program throughout the year.

Habitat for Humanity, a nonprofit housing organization that builds affordable housing in partnership with people in need, has built more than 500,000 houses, sheltering 2.5 million people worldwide.   

On behalf of all Red Hat employees, Red Hat is proud to support the incredible efforts of Habitat for Humanity and thank them for their tireless work in providing shelter to those in need.

Über den Autor

Red Hat is the world’s leading provider of enterprise open source solutions, using a community-powered approach to deliver high-performing Linux, cloud, container, and Kubernetes technologies.

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