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For any business, understanding and increasing operational efficiency is a major concern for management. In recent years, as connectivity and computing power have grown, the amount of machine-generated data companies must contend with has ballooned as well. Businesses are turning to robust software solutions to analyze this data, determine patterns, and make important decisions; these solutions require a storage platform that can handle enormous amounts of throughput and provide easy- to-scale capacity while remaining affordable.

We configured two IBM System x3650 M4 BD servers with Red Hat Storage Server 2.1, operating as a storage back end to a Splunk Enterprise infrastructure. We then ran SplunkIt 2.0 indexing and search workloads, which target Splunk hot/warm data buckets requiring fast I/O capabilities.

How well did it perform tasks ranging from backup to indexing and searching? And how did it compare to published results of an eight-node EMC Isilon X400 storage solution? To learn about the study, including the methodology used and results measured, click here to download the datasheet.

Also, be sure to tune into a live webinar on "Operational Analytics Made Easy with Red Hat and Splunk" tomorrow, July 16, 2014 at 2pm ET. To learn more and register, go here.


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