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There are some things in the world that go together beautifully. Peas and carrots. Cheddar cheese and apple pie. Red Hat Storage (RHS) and Splunk Enterprise.

We’re pleased to announce the availability of the Red Hat Storage App for Splunk Enterprise, which you can find at the Splunk Apps site. It has been created by the Operational Intelligence Team at Function1 and the Red Hat Storage Server (RHSS) team.

Sweet! But what’s Splunk?

Splunk is a software platform that captures and processes real-time data and thus makes it easy to create reports, dashboards…and much, much more. Its goal is to make data accessible across an organization.

I’m excited! But what does the app do?

Glad you asked. The app consists of a technology add-on (“TA”) and a dashboard and reporting interface. The add-on collects data from all RHSS nodes via a Splunk Universal Forwarder (“UF”). The app also provides reporting based on information collected from the *nix add-on, ultimately collecting these data sources:

  1. Native RHSS log files
  2. Server-level metrics
  3. Cluster-level metrics (such as the status of volumes and peers in a cluster)

Once collected in Splunk, the TA provides the parsing configuration and the app provides the reporting interface.

blogWhere do I get it, again?

Visit the Splunk Apps site here. It includes documentation to walk you through deployment and configuration, but if you need help please contact rhsadmin@redhat.com for assistance! And hey, don’t be a stranger – check out all the other great apps they’ve got, too!

For additional information about Red Hat Storage, check out our product page, here.

To read some more about the app check out Function1 and their blog.

And for more information on Splunk, please visit their website, here.

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