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Want to try Red Hat Ceph Storage for yourself? Then it’s your lucky day. You can test drive it now. For free!

Available on Amazon Web Services (AWS) in a number of short, easily digestible labs, the Red Hat Ceph Storage test drive gives you a hands-on opportunity to explore the product’s features and see for yourself—in real time—how Red Hat Ceph Storage works. In addition to letting you explore the management features and fundamentals of Red Hat Ceph Storage, test drive labs walk you through such things as how to deploy a Ceph cluster and how to set up erasure-coded and replication storage pools.

So don’t hesitate—Get started! To register for the Red Hat Ceph Storage test drive and evaluate it for yourself, click here. And if you’re interested in Red Hat Gluster Storage? Test drive it here. It’s free, too, and can be done in less than an hour. So why not try it? Try them both!


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