Red Hat Preliminary Exams
Red Hat is constantly working to extend the value and convenience of its testing program. We have developed Red Hat® Preliminary Exams to validate foundational knowledge and gauge your progress toward mastery of technology skills.
Understand the what and why of Red Hat preliminary exams
What are Red Hat preliminary exams?
These hands-on exams test skills and knowledge of a subject area, but not in sufficient depth to earn Red Hat certification. These exams are designed to gauge skills and demonstrate progress toward proficiency for those on a learning path toward certification.
Is a preliminary exam considered a certification that I can share on my resume and LinkedIn?
No, preliminary exams do not confer certification if passed. However, when you pass a preliminary exam, you will receive a Red Hat certification ID (if you do not already have one) that you can share with others who can verify your credentials. Your certification ID can be added to resumes, social media, and anywhere else where you would like to show that you have validated your skills in the tested technology.
Are preliminary exams alternatives to certification exams or another option for getting certified?
No, preliminary exams are not alternatives because they have a different purpose than certification exams. Since preliminary exams measure progress toward proficiency in a technology, they might be a logical step before tackling certification.
Is training available to help me prepare for a preliminary exam?
Yes, we offer comprehensive training in multiple training formats and languages for all subject matter covered in preliminary exams. You are not required to take this training, but we highly recommend it. If you have experience in the subject matter being tested and are not sure if you need training, try a preliminary exam to see for yourself.
Are preliminary exams included in my Red Hat Learning Subscription?
Yes, preliminary exams are available in the standard tier of Red Hat Learning Subscription. Subscribers are entitled to up to five first attempts and two retakes of both preliminary or certification exams.
Find out whether these exams fit your skills path
If I am already a Red Hat Certified Professional, should I take a preliminary exam?
If you have already certified your skills in a given technology, there is no reason to take a preliminary exam. However, if you are getting started on a new or different technology, we encourage you to take a preliminary exam to benchmark and share your progress.
Should I take a preliminary exam if I am working toward certification?
There is no requirement to take preliminary exams as part of your certification journey, but you may find it useful as a way to gauge your skills attainment and experience what it is like to take a Red Hat exam. Passing a preliminary exam also allows you to share skills validation without having to pursue the stronger endorsement that comes with certification.
Can I use a preliminary exam to renew a certification?
No, since preliminary exams do not confer certification if passed, they cannot be used to renew a certification. As preparation for the renewal process, you may find taking a preliminary exam helpful as a part of your efforts.
Learn how preliminary exams are administered
How is the preliminary exam delivered?
This type of Red Hat exam will be delivered strictly in the online format. Per our Red Hat training policies, you will need to use your own device, present valid government identification to the remote exam proctor, and have access to a stable internet connection.
While preliminary exams show progress toward proficiency in a technology, we do not assert that passing these exams demonstrates readiness for on-the-job responsibilities. Therefore, we have structured our delivery approach to emphasize convenience and availability.
What happens if I don’t pass a preliminary exam?
You will need to purchase the exam again in order to retake a preliminary exam.
What if my device malfunctions or I lose Internet access while taking the exam?
Red Hat cannot assume responsibility for the reliability of your internet connection or the proper functioning of the device you use to take a preliminary exam. Review our terms and conditions for guidance on how to ensure a reliable exam experience.
Technical issues during preliminary exam readiness?
How do I check if my system meets the requirements?
You need the latest Chrome/Chromium-based browser.
Run the preliminary exam compatibility test using the computer and network you intend to use, two to three days prior to the exam schedule.
What if I am on an Apple device and cannot share my screen?
Some Apple devices may prevent screen sharing by default. Learn more at the Apple support article here.
Why is my exam not listed?
Your username and password must be the same credentials used to schedule the exam.
Log in to the Red Hat individual exam site and locate your exam. Verify the scheduled date and time. If you still cannot find your exam listed, make sure you verify your enrollment and that you are logging in using the same account you used to enroll.
Why is my microphone/webcam not detected during the compatibility test?
Allow microphone and webcam permissions under the site settings of your Chrome/Chromium browser.
What do I do if the streaming compatibility test failed?
Use a personal internet connection to access the exam. If you’re using a corporate network, contact your IT team to ensure firewalls or restrictions on your UDP or TCP ports or router aren’t interfering with your connection, audio, or video feeds.
Ensure your internet connection isn’t being shared by multiple devices while you’re running the test or taking the exam, to avoid slowness or downtime.
What do I do if the network bandwidth test failed?
Common ways to resolve this issue:
- Use a personal internet connection to access the exam. We advise against using a 4G, SIM-based mobile connection converted to a wireless hotspot. If you’re using a corporate network, contact your IT team to ensure firewalls aren’t blocking your connection.
- Ensure your internet connection isn’t being shared by multiple devices while you’re running the test or taking the exam.
- Ensure other devices connected to the same internet router aren’t using network-intensive applications like online streaming, games, file downloads, or automatic updates.
- Connect to your network via ethernet cable if your wireless signal is weak.
- Run the test multiple times to see if the time of day, distance from the server, or connectivity variances are affecting bandwidth performance.
Who do I contact with additional questions?
Contact support: email