Abonnez-vous à notre blog

Summit Last month we ran a community blogging challenge on opensource.com. People really enjoyed both the writing prompts as well as hearing what others have to stay. Many expressed disappointment that the blogging challenge has ended, so we decided to bring it back! We want to hear what you have to say! We want to make sure that open source software communities have access to the best practices across all projects.

This week the focus is on events! For many of you, May was event month. ApacheCon, Open Stack Summit, OSCON, OSCAL, Read the Docs, Red Hat Summit, and PyCon are just a few of the events in May. So while you are thinking of them, what advice do you have for other open source software communities?

Challenge Questions

  • Should your community have a project event? If so, who should attend?
  • What’s your favorite example of a cross communities event?
  • Who from your community should be attending open source events?
  • Three types of events that every community member should attend
  • How do you manage travel funds for people that need them?
  • Three best features of open source events
  • Your three favorite events
  • The conference you’d recommend to all new open source community members

We heard that you all are busy and good ideas take some time to generate, so we lengthened the blogging window to two weeks. Write about events by the end of the day June 1st to be included in this round! Just blog on your preferred blogging platfrom and then reference your blog post on Twitter with the #osscommunities hashtag!

We collected a lot of great content on the Knowledge section of the Red Hat Community site and we will continue to link to any #osscommunities blog posts there.

Image courtesy of Rich Bowen.

À propos de l'auteur

Parcourir par canal

automation icon


Les dernières actualités en matière de plateforme d'automatisation qui couvre la technologie, les équipes et les environnements

AI icon

Intelligence artificielle

Actualité sur les plateformes qui permettent aux clients d'exécuter des charges de travail d'IA sur tout type d'environnement

cloud services icon

Services cloud

En savoir plus sur notre gamme de services cloud gérés

security icon


Les dernières actualités sur la façon dont nous réduisons les risques dans tous les environnements et technologies

edge icon

Edge computing

Actualité sur les plateformes qui simplifient les opérations en périphérie

Infrastructure icon


Les dernières nouveautés sur la plateforme Linux d'entreprise leader au monde

application development icon


À l’intérieur de nos solutions aux défis d’application les plus difficiles

Original series icon

Programmes originaux

Histoires passionnantes de créateurs et de leaders de technologies d'entreprise