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Planning for the CentOS Dojo Brussels event next month is underway and organizers are still lining up talks. The dojo will be held on January 30th at IBM Client Center Brussels (yes, that's right before FOSDEM kicks off). If you're interested in speaking, contact the mailing list. Keep an eye on the CentOS wiki events page to see what other 2015 events are in the works.

The Red Hat Bangalore office hosted the first CentOS Dojo in India last month. Lalatendu Mohanty helped organize the dojo and he posted an event report on his blog, so check it out.

Although the Bangalore CentOS Dojo talks were not recorded, the project's YouTube channel does have recordings from other 2014 events. In addition to the YouTube channel, you can follow CentOS on Twitter at @CentOS and learn more about the dojos by following @CentOSEvents. You can also keep up with the CentOS community on G+ and Facebook, and in IRC.

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