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Red Hat has teamed up with August Schell to run and support the U.S. Department of Defense’s (DoD) public key infrastructure (PKI). The DoD PKI is the world’s largest and most advanced PKI installation, supporting all military and civilian personnel throughout the DoD worldwide.

Red Hat Certificate Authority (CA) and Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) are used to operate the DoD identity management infrastructure with August Schell providing hands-on support for the source-code-level implementation. The Red Hat Certificate System has issued more than 10 million digital credentials, many of which were issued immediately preceding conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Red Hat and August Schell teams support all aspects of DoD’s PKI deployment and maintenance including issuing, renewing, suspending and revoking user identities as well as managing single and dual-key certificates.

The DoD PKI program is a great example of Red Hat’s security and identity management features. The program also showcases how an organization can use scalability features depending on current demand and number of end users.

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