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On Friday, July 17, Red Hat was chosen by Standard and Poor’s for inclusion in the Standard and Poor’s 500 stock index starting on July 24. The S&P 500 is widely regarded as one of the best measurements of the US equities market. It includes 500 leading companies of the U.S. economy including J. P. Morgan, GE, IBM, and Google. Investors use the index to build a diversified portfolio of stocks that best mirrors the US markets.

The inclusion of Red Hat into the S&P 500 is an important recognition and a source of pride for Red Hat associates around the world who have contributed to our success and strong execution. We are proud to be included and see this as the latest proof point in the global momentum of open source as a key strategy for customers in all industries. We have demonstrated our position of great relevance in a competitive marketplace.

For more information about the S&P 500 indices, including information about selection criteria, please click here.

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