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We’re pleased to announce that on Tuesday, August 9, we formally submitted to Oracle full certification test results of the Oracle 11gR2 database (Single Instance and RAC (including ASM) for x86 and x86-64) on Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® 6. Oracle database certification is a self-certification program whereby operating system vendors perform extensive testing and submit the results to Oracle for audit and approval.

The certification process we conducted with Oracle 11gR2 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 is the same process we have successfully completed a number of times with earlier Red Hat Enterprise Linux releases.  With those releases, Oracle’s certification approval process took about six weeks from the day we submitted test results to Oracle to the day that Oracle posted the certification on their MetaLink support site (  Based on this experience, we would expect certification of the 11gR2 database on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 to occur sometime in CYQ4 of this year.  We look forward to Oracle's response and to working with them to complete this certification process. In the interim, customers may also contact Oracle directly for updates on the certification status.

In addition to the certification testing described above, we perform ongoing and extensive testing on Oracle 11gR2 at every minor release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Consequently, we confidently recommend the deployment of Oracle 11gR2 in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 production environments today.

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